Robinson Jeffers: A Bibliography of Criticism, 2000 – Present

by Whitney Hoth



The following bibliography is a continuation of the online RJA bibliography complied by Robert Brophy, which he completed to the year 1999. As was the case with the Brophy bibliography, this continuation cannot be considered exhaustive, although again, an effort was made to make it so. The entries have been garnered from comparative review of several major bibliographical databases, but even in this era of big data, some valuable sources may have been overlooked. Readers interested in Jeffers who may use the bibliography may note omissions, and if this is so, any recommendations for inclusion would be welcome.

In the case of major collections of individual contributions, such as ShaunAnne Tangney’s The Wild That Attracts Us (2015), I have elected to list both the book and its individual articles separately to provide a convenient view of the scholarly work available.

Brophy provided brief annotations for his entries based primarily on abstracts derived from the published bibliographies of Alex Vardamis and Jeanette Boswell. No such sources yet exist for the Jeffers scholarship of the 21st Century. Annotations may be provided for these new bibliography entries, but that is work for another day.

The purpose of the bibliography in its present form is to provide a convenient and comprehensive (if not exhaustive) listing of important Jeffers scholarship and critical comment in the new century. Admirers of the poet may be gratified to see evidence of continuing engagement with Jeffers and may find insights and challenges in the range of responses to his work over the last two decades now compiled online for ready access.