Notes: James Karman published a critical anthology in 1990, Critical Essays on Robinson Jeffers (Boston: G. K. Hall). Selections from these essays, many of them reprints, some famous, are noted here under the short title Critical Essays. The University of California at Santa Cruz dedicated an issue of its literary journal Quarry West to RJ. NYTBkR = New York Times Book Review; NYHTBks = New York Herald Tribune Books.
Aiken, Conrad. “Unpacking Hearts with Words.” Critical Essays. 75–76. [1929 Bookman review of Cawdor.]
Atkinson, Bruce. “At the Theatre.” Critical Essays. 153–54. [1947 NYTBkR review of Medea.]
Beers, Terry. “Robinson Jeffers’s Post-Modern Poetry.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 92–95.
Benét, William Rose. “Round About Parnassus.” Critical Essays. 93–94. [1932 Saturday Review of Literature review of Descent to the Dead.]
Blumenthal, Sharyn C. “Notes From a Filmmaker’s Journal.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 105–12.
Bogan, Louise. “Landscape with Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 129– 30. [1927 Nation review of Such Counsels.]
Brophy, Robert. “Jeffers’s Cawdor and the Hippolytus Story.” Critical Essays. 239–45. [From Western American Literature 7 (Fall 1973): 171–78.]
____. “Mabel Luhan and Una Jeffers.” RJN 77 (Jan. 1990): 25–27.
____. “M. Murphy Masterbuilder and Tor House.” RJN 78 (Oct. 1990): 23–27.
____. “The Selling of Jeffers Country.” RJN 78 (Oct. 1990): 16–20.
Canby, Henry Seidel. “North of Hollywood.” Critical Essays. 109–11. [1935 Saturday Review of Books review of Give Your Heart to the Hawks.]
Carpenter, Frederic I. “The Values of Robinson Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 189–200. [From American Literature 11 (Jan. 1940): 353–66.]
Coffin, Arthur. “Robinson Jeffers.” The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Vol. 2. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1990. 188–89.
Daly, James. “Roots under the Rocks.” Critical Essays. 41–43. [1925 Poetry review of Tamar.]
Daughaday, Charles. “The West as Locus of Tension in Jeffers’s Aesthetics and Poetry.” RJN 77 (Jan. 1990): 12. [Abstract of Western Literature Association paper.]
Davis, H. L. “Jeffers Denies Us Twice.” Critical Essays. 69–72. [1929 Poetry review of The Women at Point Sur.]
Dell, Floyd. “Shell-Shock and the Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 179–85. [From Modern Quarterly 3 (Sept.–Dec. 1926): 268–73.]
Deutsch, Babette. “Brains and Lyrics.” Critical Essays. 45–50. [1925 New Republic review of Tamar.]
____. “Or What’s a Heaven For?” Critical Essays. 65–66. [1927 New Republic review of The Women at Point Sur.]
Dupee, F. W. “Dear Judas.” Critical Essays. 87–90. [1930 Miscellany review.]
Eiseley, Loren. “Music of the Mountain.” Critical Essays. 185–89. [From Voices 67 (Dec. 1922–Jan. 1923): 42–47.]
Everson, William (Brother Antoninus). “Introduction to Cawdor and Medea.” [1970]. Critical Essays. 223–29.
Fitts, Dudley. “Tragedy or Violence?” Critical Essays. 133–35. [1939 Saturday Review of Literature review of Selected Poetry.]
Fitzgerald, Robert. “Oracles and Things.” Critical Essays. 161–62. [1948 New Republic review of The Double Axe.]
Fletcher, John Gould. “The Dilemma of Robinson Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 116–19. [1934 Poetry review of Give Your Heart to the Hawks.]
Gioia, Dana. “The Coming Jeffers Revival.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 89–91.
____. Introduction. New Poems 1980–1988. By John Haines. Brownville, OR: Story Line P, 1990. [Begins with a disquisition on RJ’s sense of place as transforming poet and poetry.]
Gregory, Horace. “The Disillusioned Wordsworth of Our Age.” Critical Essays. 166–67. [1954 NYHBks review of Hungerfield.]
____. “Jeffers Writes His Testament in New Poems.” Critical Essays. 91–92. [1931 New York Evening Post review of Descent to the Dead.]
“Harrowed Marrow.” Critical Essays. 99–103. [Review of Give Your Heart to the Hawks from Time (4 April 1932): 63–64, the issue that featured RJ’s portrait by Edward Weston on its cover.]
Hearle, Kevin. “An Interview with William Everson.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 126–34.
Hicks, Granville. “A Transient Sickness.” Critical Essays. 103–04. [1932 Nation review of Thurso’s Landing.]
Highet, Gilbert. “An American Poet.” Critical Essays. 201–04. [From People, Places and Books. New York: Oxford UP, 1953. 22–28. Reprinted as “Jeffers, The Pessimist” in his Powers of Poetry. New York: Oxford UP, 1960. 129–34.]
Houston, James D. “‘Necessary Ecstasy’: An Afterword to Cawdor.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 72–84.
Humphries, Rolfe. “Poet or Prophet?” Critical Essays. 79–82. [1930 New Republic review of Dear Judas.]
Hunt, Tim. “Nature, Narrative, and Knowing: Jeffers and the Mode of ‘Roan Stallion.’” Roan Stallion. By Robinson Jeffers. Ed. Tim Hunt. Covelo, CA: Yolla Bolly P, 1990. 1–16.
____. “New Wine, Old Skin: Vendler and Jeffers.” RJN 77 (Jan. 1990): 22–25.
____. “Robinson Jeffers: The Modern Poet as Antimodernist.” Critical Essays. 245–52.
Hutchison, Percy. “An Elder Poet and a Young One Greet the New Year.” Critical Essays. 53–55. [1926 NYTBkR review of Roan Stallion.]
____. “Three New Books of Poetry.” Critical Essays. 121–22. [1935 NYTBkR review of Solstice.]
Jeffers, Robinson [under the name of Los Angeles Times book critic and friend, Willard Huntington Wright]. “The Subtle Passion.” Critical Essays. 35. [RJ’s review of his own first book, Flagons and Apples (1912)].
Jeffers, Una. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Luhan Letters [1930–32].” RJN 77 (Jan. 1990): 28–72.
Karman, James, ed. Critical Essays on Robinson Jeffers. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990.
____. Introduction. Critical Essays. 1–32.
Kizer, Carolyn. “Robinson Jeffers.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 85–88. [Reprinted as “A Note on Robinson Jeffers” in Proses on Poems and Poets. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon P, 1993. 92–95.]
Kunitz, Stanley. “The Day Is a Poem.” Critical Essays. 143–47. [1941 Poetry review of Be Angry at the Sun.]
Lechlitner, Ruth. “About Poetry and Poets.” Critical Essays. 122–23. [1936 New Republic review of Solstice.]
____. “A Prophet of Mortality.” Critical Essays. 158–61. [1948 NYHTBks review of The Double Axe.]
Levy, William Turner. “The Theme Is Always Man.” Critical Essays. 169–70. [1963 NYTBkR review of The Beginning and the End.]
Marshall, Ian. “The Dialogic and the Ecologic in Robinson Jeffers’s ‘Inquisitors.’” RJN 77 (Jan. 1990): 12. [Abstract of Western Literature Association paper.]
Miller, Benjamin. “Spring Is Far Off.” Critical Essays. 149–50. [1949 Christian Century review of Be Angry at the Sun.]
Monroe, Harriet. “Power and Pomp.” Critical Essays. 57–59. [1926 Poetry review of Roan Stallion.]
Morrison, Theodore. “A Critic and Four Poets.” Critical Essays. 82–83. [1930 Atlantic Monthly review of Dear Judas.]
Murphy, Patrick. “Robinson Jeffers’s Heroes: Divided and Resisting.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 96–100.
Nemerow, Steve. “To Visit Tor House.” Kuksu: Journal of Back Country Writing 6 (n.d.): 45–49.
Nolte, William. “Robinson Jeffers as Didactic Poet.” Critical Essays. 213–23. [From Virginia Quarterly Review 42 (Spring 1966): 257–71.]
“Pagan Horror from Carmel-by-the-Sea.” Critical Essays. 177. [From San Francisco (Catholic) Monitor 9 Jan. 1926: 8.]
Phelan, Kappo. “Medea.” Critical Essays. 154–55. [1947 Commonweal review of Medea.]
Poore, Charles. “Books of the Times.” Critical Essays. 165–66. [1954 New York Times review of Hungerfield.]
Powell, Lawrence Clark. “The Double Marriage of Robinson Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 206–12. [From Books West and Southwest. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie, 1957. 110–20.]
Quigley, Peter. “The Ground of Resistance: Nature and Power in Emerson, Melville, Jeffers, and Snyder.” Indiana University of Pennsylvania dissertation, 1990. [Abstract in RJN 86 (Spring 1993): 7. The uses that these four poets make of the term “nature”; RJ posits women and nature against a patriarchal world of violence and narcissism and sets the stage for ecofeminimsm.]
Rexroth, Kenneth. “In Defense of Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 205–06. [From Saturday Review of Literature 40 (10 Aug. 1957): 30.]
Roberts, R. Ellis. “Lonely Eminence.” Critical Essays. 147–49. [1942 Christian Century review of Be Angry at the Sun.]
Rodman, Selden. “Transhuman Magnificence.” Critical Essays. 157–58. [1948 Saturday Review of Literature review of The Double Axe.]
Rorty, James. “In Major Mold.” Critical Essays. 41–43. [1924 NYHTBks review of Tamar.]
____. “Robinson Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 114–16. [1933 Nation review of Give Your Heart to the Hawks.]
Rukeyser, Muriel. “Poet’s Page.” Critical Essays. 131–32. [1933 Nation review of Such Counsels.]
Schwab, Arnold. “Robin Lampson and Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 78 (Oct. 1990): 41–55.
Schwartz, Delmore. “Sources of Violence.” Critical Essays. 136–42. [1959 Poetry review of Selected Poetry (1938).]
Schweitzer. Harold. “Robinson Jeffers’s Aesthetics of the Painful.” RJN 77 (Jan. 1990): 13.
Scott, Winfield Townley. “Jeffers: The Undeserved Neglect.” Critical Essays. 171–73. [1963 NYHTBks review of The Beginning and the End.]
Seaver, Edwin. “Robinson Jeffers’s Poetry.” Critical Essays. 55–56. [1926 Saturday Review of Literature review of Roan Stallion.]
Shaffer, Eric Paul. “Inhabitation in the Poetry of Robinson Jeffers, Gary Snyder, and Lew Welch.” RJN 78 (Oct. 1990): 28–40.
Sharon, Carol Booth. “Sources of Power in Jeffers’s Short Poems.” Tor House Newsletter (Summer 1990): 4–5.
Singleton, Anne. “A Major Poet.” Critical Essays. 73–75. [1928 NYHTBks review of Cawdor.]
Slawek, Tadeusz. The Dark Glory: Robinson Jeffers and His Philosophy or Earth, Time, and Things. Katowice: Uniwersytet P, 1990. [152 pp.]
____. “A Hammer of Philosophy: The Scene of Violence in Nietzsche and Jeffers.” Violence/Intolerance/Literature. Latpwoce, 1990. 20–32.
Soldofsky, Alan. “Jeffers, Anti-Modernism and a Thousand Years.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 119–25.
Spender, Stephen. “Rugged Poetry Imbued with Spirit of the Hawk.” Critical Essays. 170–71. [1963 Chicago Tribune review of The Beginning and the End.]
Starr, Kevin. “The Literati: From Pasadena to Dijon and Back.” The Californians 7 (Mar.– Apr. 1990): 24–35.
____. Material Dreams: Southern California Through the 1920s. New York: Oxford UP, 1990. 371–74 and passim.
Stauffer, Donald A. “California Euripides.” Critical Essays. 151–52. [1946 NYTBkR review of Medea.]
Sterling, George. “A Tower by the Sea.” Critical Essays. 177–79. [From San Francisco Review 1 (Feb.–Mar. 1926), 248–49.]
Strauss, Botho. Fragmente der Undeutlichkeit. Munich/Vienna: Carl Hanser P, 1990. [Fragments of Obscurity centers on Jeffers; see RJN 77: 3.]
Taggard, Genevieve. “The Deliberate Annihilation.” Critical Essays. 66–69. [1927 NYHTBks review of The Women at Point Sur.]
Untermeyer, Louis. “Five Notable Poets.” Critical Essays. 105–06. [1932 Yale Review review of Thurso’s Landing.]
____. “A Grim and Bitter Dose.” Critical Essays. 163–64. [1954 Saturday Review of Literature review of Hungerfield.]
____. “No Escape.” Critical Essays. 127–28. [1937 Saturday Review of Literature review of Such Counsels.]
Van Doren, Mark. “First Glance.” Critical Essays. 43–45. [1925 Nation review of Tamar.]
____. “First Glance.” Critical Essays. 61–62. [1927 Nation review of The Women at Point Sur.]
Vendler, Helen. “Huge Pits of Darkness, High Peaks of Light.” RJN 77 (Jan. 1990): 13–22. [Reprinted from New Yorker (Dec. 1988): 91–98.]
Wakoski, Diane. “Robinson Jeffers: American Socrates.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 113– 18.
Walton, Eda Lou. “On the Theme of Time.” Critical Essays. 95–97. [1932 Nation review of Descent to the Dead.]
____. “A Poet at Odds with His Own Civilization.” Critical Essays. 112–14. [1933 NYHTBks review of Give Your Heart to the Hawks.]
Warren, Robert Penn. “Jeffers on the Age.” Critical Essays. 123–25. [1937 Poetry review of Solstice.]
Winters, Yvor. “Poets and Others.” Critical Essays. 106–07. [1932 Hound & Horn review of Thurso’s Landing.]
____. “Robinson Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 83–87. [1930 Poetry review of Dear Judas.]
Zabel, Morton D. “The Problem of Tragedy.” Critical Essays. 76–78. [1929 Poetry review of Cawdor.]
Zaller, Robert. “On Helen Vendler: A Response to Tim Hunt.” RJN 78 (Oct. 1990): 20– 23.
____. “Spheral Eternity: Time, Form, and Meaning in Robinson Jeffers.” Critical Essays. 252–65.
Note: In 1991 Centennial Essays for Robinson Jeffers, edited by Robert Zaller (Newark: U of Delaware P) collected fourteen essays, nine of them new. They are cited below under the short title Centennial Essays.
Boyers, Robert. “A Sovereign Voice: The Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” Centennial Essays. 68–84. [Critics have dealt with RJ on their own term, not his; RJ’s is a tragic vision; he did not glorify violence nor advocate it among men; he deserves recognition for his strengths.]
Brophy, Robert. “The Aperitif Caper: Bob Jeffers and the Lost Lenore.” RJN 81 (Oct. 1991): 9. [An article in a Santa Barbara small magazine by John H. Moore claimed RJ wrote all his early love poems for a Lenore M., and that his dark poetry and his pessimism were due to her rejection of his proposal of marriage; RJ’s response to all this was printed in the following issue of the magazine.]
____. “Jeffers, Ecology, and Gardening: A Note, a Review, and an Article.” RJN 81 (Oct. 1991): 4–5. [The meaning of garden to Una; RJ’s poem “The Shears”; a short reflection on the poem.]
____. “The Emasculation Syndrome among Jeffers’s Protagonists.” Centennial Essays. 214–25.
Bryant, Paul T. “Echoes, Allusions, and ‘Reality’ in Hayduke Lives.” Western American Literature 25.4 (1991): 3–19.
Butterfield, R. W. (Herbie). “Loving to Death: A Consideration of the ‘Loving Shepherdess.’” Centennial Essays. 200–13.
Carpenter, Frederic I. “The Verbal Magnificence of Robinson Jeffers.” Centennial Essays. 248–53.
Clark, Donald Thomas. Monterey County Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary. Carmel Valley, CA: Kestrel P, 1991. [Tracks places—and RJ’s poems—down the Coast, giving historical context.]
Coffin, Arthur. “‘Something New Is Made’: Bricolage and Jeffers’s Narrative Poems of the 1920s.” Centennial Essays. 186–99.
Cokinos, Christopher. “A Hawk in the Margin’s Cage: Robinson Jeffers and the Norton Anthologies.” ISLE (Fall 1991): 25–44, 163–64.
Cox, Wayne Victor. “Earthwise” [original poetry paralleling RJ]. University of South Carolina dissertation, 1991.
Dickie, Jean Kellogg. “Robinson Jeffers: A Remembrance.” RJN 79 (June 1991): 14–15.
Drew, Frazer. “Carmel and Cushendun: The Irish Influence on Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 81 (Oct. 1991): 14–21. [Reprint of 1968 article, with added “Postscript 1991.”]
Everson, William. “Robinson Jeffers’s Ordeal of Emergence.” Centennial Essays. 123– 85.
Gregory, Horace. “Poet Without Critics: A Note on Robinson Jeffers.” Centennial Essays. 15–28.
Hamalian, Linda. A Life of Kenneth Rexroth. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991. [Rexroth’s rift with Everson over RJ.]
Holtz, William, ed. Dorothy Thompson and Rose Wilder Lane: 40 Years of Friendship. Letters 1921–1960. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1991. 112. [Letter on a visit to Tor House.]
Hunt, Tim. Editorial Note. The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers. Vol. 3. Ed. Tim Hunt. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1991. xiii–xix.
____. “‘The Great Wound’ and the Problem of Reading The Beginning and the End.” RJN 79 (June 1991): 18–25.
____. “The Problematic Nature of Tamar and Other Poems.” Centennial Essays. 85–106.
Hymes, Dell. “Jeffers’s Artistry of Line.” Centennial Essays. 226–47.
Jeffers, Una. “Una Jeffers-Mabel Dodge Luhan Letters, 1933: Excerpts.” RJN 81 (Oct. 1991): 22–26.
Johnson, Scott. “Systemic Concepts in Literature and Art.” Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University dissertation, 1991. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 10. Applies various concepts of family psychotherapy to three works of imaginative literature, including RJ’s “The Purse-Seine”; RJ confuses isolation with autonomy and togetherness with smothering.]
Lavonis, William J. “The Songs of Richard Faith.” University of Cincinnati dissertation, 1991. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 11; putting RJ’s poetry to music.]
Levertov, Denise. “Kin and Kin.” RJN 79 (June 1991): 17. [Poem responding to RJ from A Door in the Hive. New York: New Directions, 1989. 49.]
Milosz, Czeslaw. “Robinson Jeffers.” Centennial Essays. 268–73.
Moore, John G. “The Beginning of Jeffers.” RJN 81 (Oct. 1991): 10–13. [Reprinted from Aperitif (Oct. 1935): 6, 13.]
Morris, David C. “Reading Robinson Jeffers: Formalism, Poststructuralism, and the In-humanist Turn.” Centennial Essays. 107–22.
Nathan, Leonard, and Arthur Quinn. The Poet’s Work: An Introduction to Czeslaw Milosz. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1991. Passim. [Defining the experience of RJ’s poetry.]
Nickerson, Edward. “The Politics of Robinson Jeffers.” Centennial Essays. 254–67.
Oelschlaeger, Max. “The Idea of Wilderness in the Poetry of Robinson Jeffers and Gary Snyder.” The Idea of Wilderness: From Prehistory to the Age of Ecology. Ed. Max Oelschlaeger. New Haven: Yale UP, 1991. 243–80.
Powell, Lawrence C. “Robinson Jeffers and His Garden.” RJN 81 (Oct. 1991): 7–8. [Reprint from Sunset Magazine (May 1935): 11+.]
Rexroth, Kenneth. An Autobiographical Novel. Ed. Linda Hamalian. New York: New Directions, 1991. 385–86, 389–90. [His disagreement with Everson regarding RJ.]
Rolfe, Lionel. In Search of Literary L.A. Los Angeles: California Classic Books, 1991. 67– 75.
Vardamis, Alex A. “Robinson Jeffers: Poet of Controversy.” Centennial Essays. 44–67. [Also in RJN 75 (April 1989): 11–13.]
____. “The Temptations of Despaire: Jeffers and the Fairie Queene.” Spencer Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual 9 (1991): 255–57.
Williams, Jean E. “In the Poet’s Path.” RJN 79 (June 1991): 16.
Williams, Pat, and Greg. “In Gardening Lies the Preservation of the Earth.” RJN 81 (Oct. 1991): 5–7.
Zaller, Robert, ed. Centennial Essays for Robinson Jeffers. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1991.
____. “Land and Value: The Ecology of Robinson Jeffers.” Western American Literature 26 (May 1991): 9–20.
____. “Robinson Jeffers, American Poetry, and a Thousand Years.” Centennial Essays. 29–43.
Adcock, Betty. “Three Notes” [“Carmel, 1979”; “A Little of ‘That’ Goes Too Far”; “Some Encounters”]. RJN 83 (July 1992): 9–11.
Brophy, Robert. “Everson, the Art of Reading, & Robinson Jeffers.” Perspectives on William Everson. Eds. James B. Hall, Bill Hotchkiss, and Judith Shears. Eugene, OR: Castle Peak Editions, 1992. 54–57. [Everson’s powerful readings and interpretations of RJ.]
____. “Mabel, Una & Robin: A Note.” RJN 81 (Jan. 1992): 5–6.
Everson, William. “On Robinson Jeffers: The Power of the Negative.” The Naked Heart: Talking on Poetry, Mysticism, and the Erotic. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 1992. 236–47.
Falck, Colin. “Robinson Jeffers: American Romantic?” RJN 84 (Autumn 1992): 7–16.
Gilliam, Harold and Ann. “The Genius Loci.” Creating Carmel: The Enduring Vision. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1992. 103–20.
Gilpin, Phoebe Barkan. “Robinson Jeffers as I Knew Him.” Gleeson Library Associates Newsletter 20 (Spring 1992): 1, 2, 4.
Gioia, Dana. “Strong Counsel.” Can Poetry Matter? Essays on Poetry and American Culture. St. Paul: Greywolf P, 1992: 47–60.
Glaser, Kirk. “Journeys into the Border Country: The Making of Nature and Home in the Poetry of Robinson Jeffers and Mary Oliver.” University of California, Berkeley dissertation, 1992. [Abstract in RJN 85 (Winter 1993): 1–2. Two late romantic poets represent the interconnections between the body, imagination, language, and nature; their ideologies are transcendence and immersion; their mystical and ecological insight disrupts the anthropocentrism of modern culture.]
Hinkley, Violet. “Una Jeffers: A Sister’s Memoir.” RJN 82 (Apr. 1992): 9–16.
Hotchkiss, Bill. “Earth as Metaphor.” Perspectives on William Everson. Eds. James B. Hall, Bill Hotchkiss, and Judith Shears. Grants Pass, OR: Castle Peak Editions, 1992. 125–51. [Everson’s “native pantheism” compared with RJ’s cosmic “Otherness.”]
Jarman, Mark. Iris [verse narrative/novel, RJ-immersed]. Brownville, OR: Story Line P, 1992.
Jeffers, Garth. “Poem-Source Anecdotes: ‘Oh, Lovely Rock’ & ‘Hands.’” RJN 84 (Autumn 1992): 4–5.
Jeffers, Robinson. “A Note on Two Poems: ‘Hurt Hawks’ and ‘Promise of Peace.’” RJN 84 (Autumn 1992): 5–6.
Jeffers, Una. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: The Luhan Letters: Excerpts, 1934.” RJN 83 (July 1992): 12–16.
____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: The Luhan Letters: Excerpts, 1934.” RJN 84 (Autumn 1992): 17–22.
Johnson, Scott. “Distance and Fusion in Robinson Jeffers’ ‘The Purse-Seine’ and Other Poems.” Contemporary Family Therapy 2 (14 Apr. 1992): 171–78. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 9–10.]
Kafka, Robert. “Jeffers Literary Manuscripts at the James S. Copley Library.” RJN 84 (Autumn 1992): 23–24.
Loeffler, Jack. “Edward Abbey, Anarchism and the Environment.” Western American Literature 28.1 (1992): 43–49.
Luhan, Mabel Dodge. “Una and Robin.” RJN 81 (Jan. 1992): 7–32. [Reprint of 1976 Friends of the Bancroft Library edition.]
McDowell, Michael. ”Entering Importance Again: Dialogical Voices at the Death of Old Martial in ‘Cawdor.’” RJN 82 (Apr. 1992): 5–7.
____. “Finding Tongues in Trees: Dialogical and Ecological Landscape in Henry David Thoreau, Robinson Jeffers, and Leslie Marmon Silko.” University of Oregon dissertation, 1992. [Abstract in RJN 90 (Spring 1994): 4. Three who offer ecologically structured views of the landscape by incorporating into their works a dialogical interplay of voices and values in contradiction to each other; RJ avoids direct statement but constructs in his writing a dynamic landscape of disparate but interacting components.]
McPhillips, Robert. Interview with Dana Gioia. Verse 9.2 (Summer 1992): 9–17.
Monterey County Office of Education. Hawk Tower and Tor House [16.5-minute video]. 1992. [Noted in RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 5.]
Olson, Ted. “Bukowski and Jeffers: Two Poets Listening to Life.” Sure: The Charles Bukowski Newsletter 4 (1992): 2–8.
Powell, Lawrence Clark. An Introduction to Robinson Jeffers [doctoral dissertation, University of Dijon, 1932]. N.p.: Reprint Services, 1992.
Rothman, David J. “The Whitmanian Poets and the Origins of Open Form.” New York University dissertation, 1992. [Abstract in RJN 86 (Spring 1993): 7. History of lineation; Whitman’s crucial role in “versification of incommensurates”; those following Whitman are Masters, Sandburg, Lawrence, RJ, Ginsberg, Hughes, and Kinnell; notes how each created a new tradition of craft.]
Slawek, Tadeusz. “‘The Continent’s End’: Border as a Figure of Thought in Robinson Jeffers’s Poetry.” Boundary of Borders [Theory of Literature Conference]. Cieszyn: Proart, 1992. 119–27.
Stine, Donald. “Collecting Robinson Jeffers.” Firsts [on collecting modern first editions]. (July 1992): 32–36.
Zaller, Robert. “The Giant Hand: William Everson on Robinson Jeffers.” Perspectives on William Everson. Eds. James B. Hall, Bill Hotchkiss, and Judith Shears. Eugene, OR: Castle Peak Editions, 1992. 336–65. [Everson’s lifelong dialogue with RJ; his explication of RJ.]
Zimmerman, Lee. “An Eye for an I: Emerson and Some ‘True’ Poems of Robinson Jeffers, William Everson, Robert Penn Warren, and Adrienne Rich.” Contemporary Literature 33 (Winter 1992): 645–64. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 14.]
Anderson, Erland. “Jeffers’s ‘Science.’” Explicator 52 (Fall 1993): 46–48.
Bedient, Calvin. “Jeffers and the Erotic Sublime.” RJN 85 (Winter 1993): 17–21.
Brogan, Jacqueline Vaught. “Robinson Jeffers’s ‘Cawdor’: Textual Bonding or Textual Bombing.” RJN 85 (Winter 1993): 13–17.
Brophy, Robert. “California: Jeffers’s ‘Drop-Off Cliff of the World.’” RJN 88 (Summer 1993): 27–28.
____. “An Index to Articles Appearing in RJN Issues 1–81.” RJN 86 (Spring 1993): 25–32.
____. “An Index to RJN 1–85: Books, Biographic Material, Manuscript Collections, Letter Series, Memoirs, Obituaries, Dissertations, MA Theses.” RJN 87 (Summer 1993): 23–36.
____. “Leigh Wiener: Photographer Extraordinaire.” RJN 87 (Summer 1993): 3–4.
____. “Medea: Divergent Views.” RJN 87 (Summer 1993): 5–6.
____. “Notes from a Jeffers Country Fieldtrip.” RJN 88 (Fall 1993): 14–17.
____. “Robinson Jeffers.” California Studies 3 (May 1993): 4–5.
Bukowski, Charles. Screams from the Balcony: Selected Letters: 1960–70. Santa Rosa, CA: Black Sparrow P, 1993. [Noted in RJN 88 (Autumn 1993): 3. RJ was one of his heroes.]
Gelpi, Albert [organizing panelist]. “Robinson Jeffers and Narrative: A Panel Discussion.” RJN 85 (Winter 1993): 3–25.
Hall, Isabelle. “Life at Tor House: The Grandchildren’s Perspective.” RJN 88 (Autumn 1993): 4–8.
Hunt, Tim. “The ‘Modern’ Gesture of Jeffers’ Narratives.” RJN 85 (Winter 1993): 4–9.
Jeffers, Donnan. The Building of Tor House. Covelo, CA: Yolla Bolly P, 1993.
Jeffers, Donnan, and Garth. The House That Jeffers Built. 2 vols. Covelo, CA: Yolla Bolly P, 1993.
Jeffers, Garth. Memories of Tor House. Covelo, CA: Yolla Bolly P, 1993.
Jeffers, Una. “Tor House Expansion Map Drawn for Powell in 1932.” RJN 86 (Spring 1993): 24.
____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Luhan Letters, Excerpts, 1935.” RJN 85 (Winter 1993): 26–40.
____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Luhan Letters 1936.” RJN 86 (Spring 1993): 15–24.
____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Luhan Letters 1937.” RJN 87 (Summer 1993): 9–22.
____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Luhan Letters 1938.” RJN 88 (Autumn 1993): 29– 44.
Karman, James. “Response to Tim Hunt” [panel on “Robinson Jeffers and Narrative”]. RJN 85 (Winter 1993): 9–13.
Kizer, Carolyn. “A Note on Robinson Jeffers.” Proses on Poems and Poets. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon P, 1993. 92–95. [Reprints “Robinson Jeffers.” Quarry West 27 (1990): 85–88.]
Longtimers [film of Carmel “pioneers”]. 1993. [Reviewed in RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 4.]
Lyon, Horace. “Jeffers as Subject for the Camera.” RJN 88 (Autumn 1993): 9–13.
McWilliams, Carey. “Louis Adamic and Jeffers.” RJN 86 (Spring 1993): 12–14.
Marshall, I. “The Dialogic and Ecologic in Robinson Jeffers’ ‘The Inquisitors.’” CEA Critic 55.2 (1993): 42–51.
Morris, David Copeland. “Celebration and Irony: The Polyphonic Voice of Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire.” Western American Literature 28.1 (1993): 21–32.
Olson, Ted. “Hearing the Natural Music: A Comparative Linguistic Analysis of Jeffers, Frost, and Pound.” RJN 88 (Autumn 1993): 18–26.
Porter, J. S. “Robinson Jeffers and the Poetry of the End.” Antigonish Review (Winter 1993): 25–31.
Quigley, Peter. “Didactic and Dialogic: Robinson Jeffers and the Voice of the Dead.” RJN 86 (Spring 1993): 8–11.
Ritchie, Ward, ed. “Mirrors” [short story reprinted from Smart Set, Aug. 1913, with editorial commentary]. By Robinson Jeffers. Laguna, CA: Laguna Verde P, 1993.
____. Years Touched with Memory. Clifton, NJ: A B Bookman Weekly, 1993. [Noted in RJN 89 (Winter 1994): 1.]
Almon, Bert. “Jeanne D’Orge, Carmel, and Point Lobos.” Western American Literature 29.3 (1994): 239–60.
Blackburn, Alexander. “A Western Renaissance.” Western American Literature 29.1 (May 1994): 51–62.
Brand, Stewart. How Buildings Lean: What Happens after They’re Built. New York: Viking P, 1994. 49. [Tor House discussed as unique architecture.]
Brophy, Robert. “Art and Ultimate Questions.” RJN 90 (Spring 1994): 13–14.
____. “Charles Bukowski: An Unlikely Jeffers Tribute.” RJN 90 (Spring 1994): 6–7.
____. “The Ecology of a Dwelling: A Note on Habitation v. Desecration in the Building of Tor House.” RJN 91 (Summer 1994): 7–8.
Carpenter, David. “William Everson and Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 13–15.
Cartwright, William, and Julian Ludwig. Don’t Pave Main Street [film of Carmel history with one section on RJ]. 113-minute color video. Carmel, CA: Carmel Heritage, 1994. [Reviewed in RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 14–15.]
Eshelman, William, ed. Take Hold Upon the Future: Letters on Writers and Writing: 1938–1946. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow P, 1994. [An exchange of letters between Lawrence Clark Powell and William Everson, with numerous observations on RJ.]
Field, Sara Bard. Comment on RJ from Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library. RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 44.
Fox, C. J. “Robinson Jeffers in Canada: From Pratt’s Newfoundland to Prairie Skull.” RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 16–22.
Glück, Louise. “Obstinate Humanity: Hass, Milosz, and Jeffers.” RJN 91 (Summer 1994): 9–15.
Hier, Grant. “The Dance of Shiva and Concepts of Hinduism in Robinson Jeffers’s Poetry.” RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 23–41.
____. “Robinson Jeffers and Thuban.” RJN 91 (Summer 1994): 28–32.
Hunt, Tim. “Didactic Confessions: Where Does Jeffers’s ‘Sign-Post’ Point?” RJN 89 (Winter 1994): 23–27.
____. “Double the Axe, Double the Fun: Is There a Final Version of Jeffers’s ‘The Double Axe’?” Interdisciplinary Journal of Textual Studies 7 (1994): 435–37.
Jeffers, Una. “Lincoln Steffens: The Man of the Family.” RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 42–43.
____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Luhan Letters 1939.” RJN 89 (Winter 1994): 28–36.
____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Luhan Letters 1940–48.” RJN 90 (Spring 1994): 23–36.
Landau, Rom. “Jeffers and Krishnamurti.” RJN 89 (Winter 1994): 7–9.
Larsen, Stephen, and Robin. “Joseph Campbell and Jeffers.” RJN 89 (Winter 1994): 10– 12.
Levine, Philip. “Robinson Jeffers and Spain.” RJN 91 (Summer 1994): 5–6.
Maddox, Brenda. D. H. Lawrence: The Story of a Marriage. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994. [Extensive coverage of Taos/Ravagli contacts with RJ, etc.]
Masters, Edgar Lee. Comment on RJ. RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 44.
Mitchell, Mark A. “The Politics of the New Critics’ Poetics and the Fall of Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 92 (Summer 1994): 16–27.
Olson, Ted. “Robinson Jeffers’s ‘Ossian’s Grave’: An Annotation.” RJN 89 (Winter 1994): 13–22.
Quigley, Peter. “Man-Devouring Stars: Jeffers’s Decentering of American Political Rhetoric,” in English Studies and History (Tampere English Studies 4). Univ. of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, 1994: 125-48.
Sandburg, Carl. Comment on RJ. RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 44.
Smiley, Kathryn. “Boni and Liveright: A Collector’s Guide.” Firsts (July–Aug. 1994). [Reprinted in RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 10–12.]
Smith, Marcus. “The Cosmology of Robinson Jeffers’s ‘Night.’” RJN 90 (Spring 1994): 15–22.
Wood, Erskine Scott. Comment on RJ. RJN 92 (Fall 1994): 44.
Zorn, Jeff. “The Robinson Jeffers ‘Medea.’” RJN 90 (Spring 1994): 8–11.
Notes: Two collections of essays were published in 1995: Robinson Jeffers and a Galaxy of Writers, edited by William Thesing (Columbia: U of South Carolina P), and Robinson Jeffers: Dimensions of a Poet, edited by Robert Brophy (New York: Fordham UP). Individual chapters/essays are noted alphabetically, identified here by short titles Galaxy or Dimensions. Also, a collection of William Everson’s peers’ comments on him and his work, especially his relationship to RJ, titled William Everson: Remembrances & Tributes: With Reflections on Robinson Jeffers (Long Beach, CA: RJN), was published in 1995. Its articles are identified here by the short title Everson.
Allen, Gilbert. “Passionate Detachment in the Lyrics of Jeffers and Yeats.” Galaxy. 60–88.
Bedient, Calvin. “Robinson Jeffers, D. H. Lawrence and the Erotic Sublime.” Galaxy. 160–81.
Beers, Terry. “Telling the Past and Living the Present: ‘Thurso’s Landing’ and the Epic Tradition.” Dimensions. 48–63.
____. “A Thousand Graceful Subtleties.” Rhetoric in the Poetry of Robinson Jeffers. New York: Peter Lang, 1995.
Bowers, Neal. “Jeffers and Merwin: The World Beyond Words.” Galaxy. 11–26.
Brasher, Alan. “‘Their Beauty Has More Meaning’: Transcendental Echoes in Jeffers’s Inhumanist Philosophy of Nature.” Galaxy. 146–58.
Brophy, Robert. “A Companion to The Beginning and the End and Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 95–96 (Summer–Fall 1995): 51–52.
____. “Poet and Poems.” Everson. 93.
____. “A Review of Jeffers Scholarship.” Dimensions. 237–42.
____. “Robinson Jeffers: Annual Bibliography, 1995.” RJN 95–96 (1995): 7–10.
____. ed. Robinson Jeffers: Dimensions of a Poet. New York: Fordham UP, 1995.
____. “Robinson Jeffers: Poet of Carmel-Sur.” Dimensions. 1–8.
____, ed. William Everson: Remembrances and Tributes: With Reflections on Robinson Jeffers. Long Beach, CA: RJN, 1995. [RJN 93–94.]
____.”William Everson and Robinson Jeffers.” Everson. 1–3.
Campo, Allan, and Peter Thomas. “Notes on ‘The Thing Death.’” Everson. 109–10.
Cox, Wayne. “Robinson Jeffers and the Conflict of Christianity.” Galaxy. 122–34.
Diggory, Terrence. “The Momentum of Syntax in the Poems of Robinson Jeffers.” Galaxy. 27–42.
Dyson, Freeman. “The Scientist as Rebel.” New York Review of Books 25 March 1995: 31. [RJ figures in this discussion.]
Etulain, Richard, and N. Jill Howard. A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of Western American Literature. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 1995. 266–71.
Everson, William. “Afterword to ‘The Poet Is Dead.’” Everson. 105–107.
____. “All Flesh is Grass.” Dimensions. 204–38.
____. “A Note on ‘The Poet Is Dead.’” Everson. 95–96.
____. “The Thing Death” [poem written at RJ’s death; stands with “The Poet Is Dead”]. Everson. 111–13.
____. “Tor House” [poem from These Are the Ravens (1935), on his first visit]. Everson. 115.
Falck, Colin. “Robinson Jeffers: American Romantic?” Galaxy. 83–92.
García, José. “Jeffers and the Heideggerian Notion of ‘Dwelling.’” RJN 95–96 (Summer Fall 1995): 14–17.
Glaser, Kirk. “Desire, Death, and Domesticity in Jeffers’s Pastorals of Apocalypse.” Dimensions. 137–76.
Gross, Harvey, and Robert McDowell. Sound and Form in Modern Poetry. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1995. [Reviewed in JS 1.2 (Spring 1997): 13–17.]
Hier, Grant. “Truth, Myth, and ‘The Great Wound.’” RJN 95–96 (Summer–Fall 1995): 29–50.
Hunt, Tim. Introduction. Galaxy. 1–19.
____. “Jeffers and the Modern(ist) Terrain: Competing and/or Complementary Poetics? A Panel Discussion with Charles Altieri, Terrence Diggory, Albert Gelpi, and James E. Miller.” Galaxy. 182–202.
____. “‘Roan Stallion’ and the Narrative of Nature.” Dimensions. 64–83.
Jeffers, Una. The Enduring Element of Mysticism in Man. Carmel, CA: Tor House Foundation, 1995. [Reprint of Una’s 87-page MA thesis for the Department of Philosophy, University of Southern California, 1910.]
Kafka, Rob. “Una Jeffers’s Published Reviews and Articles.” RJN 95–96 (Summer–Fall 1995): 11–13.
Karman, James. Robinson Jeffers: Poet of California. Revised Edition. Brownsville, OR: Story Line P, 1995.
McCormack, Mary. “The Women of Robinson Jeffers and T. S. Eliot: Mythical Parallels in ‘Give Your Heart to the Hawks’ and ‘Family Reunion.’” Galaxy. 135–45.
Milosz, Czeslaw. Untitled memoir. Everson. 64–65.
Mitchell, Mark. “Reactionary Humanism: Robinson Jeffers and the Critics.” Harvard University thesis, 1995. [Abstract in RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 8–9.]
Morris, David. “Critical Orthodoxy and Inhumanist Poetics: The Question of Technique in Jeffers, Dickey, Mallarme, and Stevens.” Galaxy. 43–59.
Murphy, Patrick. “Robinson Jeffers, Gary Snyder, and the Problem of Civilization.” Galaxy. 93–107.
Noble-Goodman, Stuart Alan. “Fields of Verse: Science, Technology, and the Poetry of Hart Crane and Robinson Jeffers.” Duke University dissertation, 1995. [Abstract in JS 1.2 (Spring 1997): 11–12. Two radically different poets’ responses to such advances both from a Romantic world view, Crane’s via Coleridge, RJ’s via Wordsworth, refracted through the prism of American Romanticism articulated by Whitman and Emerson; the use of science making Crane’s critics denigrate his intellect, making RJ’s critics call him a nihilist and misanthrope, excluding him from the canon.]
Norwood, Kyle. “‘Enter and Possess’: Jeffers, Frost, and the Borders of Self.” Galaxy. 69–82.
Pattison, Eugene. God and Humanity at Continent’s Western Edge: Robinson Jeffers and Annie Dillard. Alma, MI: Alma College. [1995]. [26-page booklet for April Colloquium.]
Rothman, David J. “‘Divinely Superfluous Beauty’: Robinson Jeffers’s Versecraft of the Sublime.” Dimensions. 84–109.
____. “‘I have fallen in love outward’: Robinson Jeffers and the Pathetic Fallacy.” Hellas 6.1 (1995): 47–62.
____. “Sources and Purposes of Robinson Jeffers’s Anti-Gongorist Polemic.” RJN 95–96 (Summer–Fall 1995): 18–28.
Scarlini, Luca. “Non Amo I Miracoli Il Teatro Di Robinson Jeffers.” Medea. By Robinson Jeffers. Translator, Luca Scarlini. Firenze: Aletheia, 1995. i–ix.
Soldofsky, Alan. “Nature and the Symbolic Order: The Dialogue Between Czeslaw Milosz and Robinson Jeffers.” Dimensions. 177–203.
Stout, Janis P. Katherine Ann Porter: A Sense of the Times. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1995. [Contains an 18 Dec. 1931 letter in which Porter says RJ wrote “abominable, noisy vulgar empty poems. How I do abominate that pretentious, Carmel by the Sea Mystic!” Stout adds: “The fact that Jeffers had criticized one of her poems may have contributed to her dislike.”]
Thesing, William, ed. Robinson Jeffers and a Galaxy of Writers. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1995.
Van Ness, Gordon. “‘The Lonely Self-Watchful Passion’: Narrative and the Poetic Role of Robinson Jeffers and James Dickey.” Galaxy. 108–27.
Vardamis, Alex. “In the Poet’s Lifetime.” Dimensions. 19–29.
Zaller, Robert, and panel. “Robinson Jeffers and the Female Archetype.” Dimensions. 110–36.
____. “Robinson Jeffers and the Uses of History.” Dimensions. 30–47.
Note:A key item in this section is the 60-page index to issues 1–100 (1962–1996) of the Robinson Jeffers Newsletter. As the “publication of record” for all things Jeffers from the poet’s death to 1996, it is an indispensable reference to events, publications, bibliographies, theater, exhibits, festivals, translations, dissertations and theses, collections, persons of note, obituaries, library holdings, conferences, and a series of Una Jeffers letters.
Brewer, Gay. “A Conversation with Philip Levine.” Poems and Plays 3 (Spring–Summer 1996): 25–26.
Brophy, Robert. “Henry Miller Meets Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 21–25.
____. “Of Poems and Landscapes, Maps and Placenames.” RJN 98–99 (Spring–Summer 1996): 1–9.
____. Review of Don’t Pave Main Street [film on Carmel, CA, history]. RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 14–15.
____. “RJN Issues 1–100: An Overview with Indexed Categories.” RJN 100 (Fall 1996): 15–80.
____. “A Salvador Dali Party Extravaganza.” RJN 100 (Fall 1996): 1–7.
____. “William Everson and Archetype West.” California State Library Foundation Bulletin 54 (1996): 8–13.
Coffin, Arthur. Essay Review: “Robinson Jeffers.” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 50.2 (1996): 214–24. (Review of Terry Beers’s .. . a thousand graceful subtleties; Robert Brophy, ed., Robinson Jeffers: Dimensions of a Poet; James Karman’s Robinson Jeffers: Poet of California; William B. Thesing, ed., Robinson Jeffers and a Galaxy of Writers).
de Angulo, Gui. The Old Coyote of Big Sur: The Life of Jaime de Angulo. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 1996. 143–44, 229–33.
Everson, William. “Everson on Jeffers: A Sighting.” RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 19–20.
García, José. “Jeffers’s ‘The Place for No Story’: An Ontological Reading.” RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 26–30.
Gioia, Dana. “The Magical Value of Manuscripts.” The Hand of the Poet: Poems and Papers in Manuscript. Ed. Rodney Phillips and others. New York: Rizzoli P, 1996. 26– 30. [Biographical sketch of RJ and comment on theme of “Love the Wild Swan” and its manuscript at New York Public Library.]
Glück, Louise. “Obstinate Humanity” [Hass, Milosz, and Jeffers]. Poets Teaching Poets: Self and the World. Eds. Gregory Orr and Ellen Bryant Voight. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1996. 23–27.
Haines, John. “Of Robinson Jeffers.” Fables and Distances: New and Selected Essays. St. Paul: Greywolf, 1996. 52–59.
Harmsen, Tyrus. “Ward Ritchie: In Memoriam.” RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 16–18.
Houston, James. “The Circle almost Circled.” Reading the West: New Essays on the Literature of the American West. Ed. Michael Kowalewski. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 231–50.
Hughey, Boon. “Jeffers Country” [annotated map]. RJN 98–99 (Spring–Summer 1996): insert.
Hughey, Richard, and Boon Hughey. “Jeffers Country Revisited: Beauty Without Price.” RJN 98–99 (Spring–Summer 1996): 9–84. [Contains sections on Big Sur, Garrapata State Park, the South Coast, the Santa Lucia Range, the Ventana Wilderness, the Big Sur and Little Sur Rivers, the Coast Road, the Coast Highway, the Carmel Sur climate, a bibliography, and a 213 item annotated checklist of place names referenced to poems.]
Jeffers, Brenda. “A Sullivan-Doyle Perspective.” RJN 100 (Fall 1996): 12–14.
Jeffers, Garth. “A Window into the Jeffers Social Life: Recollections.” RJN 100 (Fall 1996): 8–11.
Jeffers, Una. “Facsimile of Map Drawn by Una Jeffers” [15 Apr. 1932]. RJN 98–99 (Spring–Summer 1996): 7–8.
____. “A Letter to Lawrence Clark Powell on ‘Jeffers Country.’” RJN 98–99 (Spring– Summer 1996): 3–8.
____. Recipe for Cairngorm (Una’s raisin wine). RJN 100 (Fall 1996): 10–11.
Kafka, Robert. “A Major Musical Setting of ‘Night.’” RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 10–13.
Kowalewski, Michael, ed. Reading the West: New Essays on the Literature of the American West. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. [Reviewed in JS 2.2 (Spring 1998): 8–10.]
Levine, Philip. “A Conversation with Philip Levine” [conducted by Gay Brewer]. Poems and Plays 3 (Spring–Summer 1996): 11–12.
Lyon, Thomas. “Revisionist Western Classics.” Reading the West: New Essays on the Literature of the American West. Ed. Michael Kowalewski. Cambridge: Cambridge UP: 1996. 144–56.
Macbeth, George. “Robinson Jeffers.” Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Poetry in English. Ed. Ian Hamilton. New York: Oxford UP, 1996. 253–54.
Malnar, Alan. “Words of Prey.” RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 31–33.
Masten, Ric. “Big Sur Country” [poem tribute by Big Sur poet]. RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 1–2.
Moore, Brian Lee. “Ecocentric Personification in American Nature Writing (John Burroughs, Edward Abbey, George Sessions, A. G. Tansley).” Texas Christian University dissertation, 1996. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 11–12.]
Mutz, Catherine. “A Perspective on the Robinson Jeffers Collection.” Gleeson Library Associates Newsletter 31 (Spring 1996): 1–3.
Powell, Lawrence Clark, and Ward Ritchie. “A Map of the Carmel Coast.” RJN 98–99 (Spring–Summer 1996): cover.
Pratt, William. “Three American Ironists: Robinson, Frost, and Jeffers.” Singing the Chaos: Madness and Wisdom in Modern Poetry. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1996. 114–25.
Quigley, Peter. “A Web Page for Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 97 (Winter 1996): 6.
Rudnick, Lois Palken. Utopian Vistas: Mabel Dodge Luhan House and the American Counter Culture. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 1996. 152–53.
Santos, Sherod. On the Memory of Stone: A Tor House Legacy. Bath, NY: FootHills Publishing, 1996.
Schweitzer, Harold. “Robinson Jeffers’s Aesthetics of Pain.” Suffering and the Remedy of Art. New York: SUNY P, 1996. 115–25. [Reviewed in JS 1.2 (Spring 1997): 2–3.]
Tassoni, John Paul. “Lying with Sea Gull: The Eco Feminist Dialogics of Beauty in Robinson Jeffers’s ‘The Inhumanist.’” ISLE 2.2 (Winter 1996): 45–63.
Waggoner, Hyatt H. “Robinson Jeffers.” Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 15. Danbury, CT: Grolier, 1996. 862. [Some misinformation.]
White, Fred D. “‘The Sun Proceeds Unmoved’: Dickinson’s Circumference as a Context for Jeffers’s Inhumanism.” South Dakota Review 34.3 (1996): 49–57.
Note: This year inaugurated Jeffers Studies, the successor to the Robinson Jeffers Newsletter, which concluded its run in 1996.
Baird, Jim. “Faust and ‘The Women at Point Sur’.” Jeffers Studies Online 1.3 (Summer 1997) ; printed JS 1.4 (Fall 1997): 28–39.
Brophy, Robert. “Robinson Jeffers and the Hogarth Press.”JS 1.2 (Spring 1997): 7–8.
Costley, Bill. “Jeffers Appreciation in Contemporary Scotland.” JS 1.2 (Spring 1997): 10–11.
Ditsler, D. B. “California’s Pictorial Past Goes Digital: Jeffers Photos.” JS 1.2 (Spring 1997): 9.
Glaser, Kirk. “The Alchemy of Home in Jeffers’s ‘To the House.’” Jeffers Studies Online 1.1 (Winter 1997) ; JS 1.4 (Fall 1997): 3–14.
Hart, George. “The Poetics of Postmodernist and Neoromantic Nature.” Stanford University dissertation, 1997. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 9. Sees American nature poetry changing significantly after the Modernist period—poems adopting Postmodernist and Neoromantic modes; RJ is seen with Rexroth, both developing a sacramental relationship to nature in their long poems during World War II, with Everson extending this sacramental stance by adopting the rhetoric of crisis for the environmental movement.]
Hughey, Boon, and John Courtney. “Going After Azevedo: A Walk Around Pico Blanco.” JS 1.1 (Winter 1997): 28–32.
Jensen, Peter. “A Poet’s Coast: Exploring California’s Big Sur through the Words of Robinson Jeffers.” Country Living 1.1 (May–June 1997): 106–111.
Kafka, Robert. “Addenda to ‘The Prose of Robinson Jeffers: An Annotated Checklist.’” JS 1.1 (Winter 1997): 22–24.
____, ed. “The Collected Early Verse of Robinson Jeffers, 1903–April 1914.” JS 1.3 (Summer 1997). [Includes (essays): Introduction; “Verses Published in Periodicals, 1903–1911”; “Verses Unpublished, Written 1903–April 1914”; “A Note on Missing Verses”; “Notes on the Poems.”]
Morris, David Copland. “Courtesy in the Universe: Jeffers, Santayana, and the ‘Adult Habit of Thought.’” Jeffers Studies Online 1.2 (Spring 1997) ; printed JS 1.4 (Fall 1997): 40–84.
____. “Inhumanism, Environmental Crisis, and the Canon of American Literature.” ISLE 4.2 (Fall 1997): 1–16.
Quigley, Peter. “Expect Change; Nothing is Strange: Nature and the Poetics of Cultural Collapse and Renewal.” CEA Critic 60.1 (Fall 1997): 35–59. [RJ, Snyder, and Eliot.]
Rothman, David J. “A Note on Jeffers Research and Scholarship.” JS 1.1 (Winter 1997): 7–9.
Weissmuller, Constance. “The Leigh Wiener Collection.” JS 1.1 (Winter 1997): 25–27.
Zaller, Robert. “‘Home’: A ‘Lost’ Jeffers Narrative.” Western American Literature 32.2 (Summer 1997): 115–24.
____. “Robinson Jeffers and the California Sublime.” Jeffers Studies Online 1.1 (Winter 1997) ; JS 1.4 (Fall 1997): 40–84.
____. “Robinson Jeffers, Narrative, and the Freudian Romance.” Journal of Narrative Technique 27.1 (Spring 1997): 234–48.
____. “A Sketch for an Aesthetic: Process, Value, and Moral Beauty in Jeffers.” JS 1.2 (Spring 1997): 18–28.
Brophy, Robert. “‘Carmel Point’: An Explication.” JS 2.1 (Winter 1998): 19–20.
____. “‘Margrave’: Jeffers and the Pathetic Fallacy.” JS 2.3 (Summer 1998): 8–12.
Case, Eric William. “A Production and Production Book of Euripides’ Medea Freely Adapted by Robinson Jeffers.” Baylor University thesis, 1998. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 8.]
Cherkovski, Neeli. “Bukowski on Jeffers: Excerpts from a Memoir.” JS 2.1 (Winter 1998): 15–18.
Coffin, Arthur. “An Interview with John Haines.” Jeffers Studies Online 2.3 (Summer 1998) ; printed JS 2.4 (Fall 1998): 47–56.
Fleming, Deborah. “Radical Traditionalism in W. B. Yeats and Robinson Jeffers.” Jeffers Studies Online 2.1 (Winter 1998) ; printed JS 2.4 (Fall 1998): 11– 30.
Girard, Maureen. The Last Word: A Record of the “Auxiliary” Library at Tor House. [Carmel, CA]: Robinson Jeffers Tor House Foundation, 1998. [An annotated catalog of the Tor House library, recording and analyzing all marginalia, tip-ins, and inserts which for Una, especially, constituted a running dialogue with the authors.]
Greenan, Edith. Of Una Jeffers. Ashland, OR: Story Line P, 1998. Ed. James Karman. [Reprint of 1939 edition.]
Haines, John. “An Interview with John Haines.” JS 2.4 (Fall 1998): 47–56.
Hesse, Eva. “The German Theater Production of Botho Strauss’s Jeffers-Akt I und II.” JS 2.3 (Summer 1998): 4–5.
Hughey, Richard. “Letters: Una Jeffers to George Sterling.” JS 2.3 (Summer 1998): 13– 20.
____. “‘Ossian’s Grave’ Annotated.” JS 2.2 (Spring 1998): 11–24.
Kafka, Robert. “A Jeffersian Planetary Display.” JS 2.1 (Winter 1998): 10–12.
____. “Jeffers Paraphrases Macbeth.” JS 2.3 (Summer 1998): 2–3.
____. “A Virtual Concordance to the Stanford University Press Edition of The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” JS 2.1 (Winter 1998): 7–9. [Using the Chadwyck-Healy e-texts of the Stanford Collected Poetry on the Internet for institutional subscribers.]
Karman, James. Introduction. Of Una Jeffers. By Edith Greenan. Ashland, OR: Story Line P, 1998. vii–xxviii. [Edited with extensive notes by Karman.]
____. “Robinson Jeffers: Dichter der americanischen Westkuste.” Jeffers Akt I und II. Ed. Botho Strauss. Frankfurt: Strauss, 1998. 42–80.
Mackin, Kathleen. “Emerson, Whitman, and Jeffers: The Prophetic Charge of the Poet in the Unity of the World.” Jeffers Studies Online 2.4 (Fall 1998) ; printed JS 2.4 (Fall 1998): 57–68.
Meador, Roy. “The Librarian Who Reads” [Lawrence Clark Powell]. Biblio 3.8 (September 1998): 36–41. [RJ discussed.]
Miura, Tokuhiro. “Mushin in Jeffers: An Abstract.” JS 2.1 (Winter 1998): 13–14.
O’Hara, Noël. “Carmel Point to Ossian’s Grave: In Pursuit of Robinson Jeffers.” The Recorder: Journal of the American Irish Historical Society 2.1 (Spring 1998): 57–67.
Olson, Ted. “Four Recent Works on Robinson Jeffers.” Western American Literature 33.3 (Fall 1998): 292–300.
Rothman, David J. “‘Hurt Hawks’: Criticism.” Poetry for Students. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998. 143–47.
____. “‘I’m a Humanist’: The Poetic Past in Desert Solitaire.” Coyote in the Maze. Ed. Peter Quigley. Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 1998. 47–73.
Shreve, Anita. The Pilot’s Wife. New York: Little, Brown, 1998. [Bestseller uses RJ’s “Antrim” as leitmotif throughout.]
Smedshammer, Michael. “Modern Writers in New Mexico: Charles Lummis, Oliver La Farge, D. H. Lawrence, Willa Cather, and the Quest for Purpose and Place in the Southwest.” University of New Mexico dissertation, 1998. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 13–14. New Mexican landscape is an anomaly to the modern writers whose theme is quest for purpose and place where these must be denied them; they cannot identify with New Mexico culture and landscape but must somehow exist and write beside it; the authors must reconcile the myth of New Mexico as sanctuary from the modern world with the reality of modern existence.]
Strauss, Botho, ed. Jeffers Akt I und II [80-page playbill with RJ essay, poems, and James Karman’s biographical essay]. Frankfurt: Botho Strauss, 1998.
Tangney, ShaunAnne. “‘Write the thing that thou has seen’: Recognizing the Apocalyptic in Robinson Jeffers.” Jeffers Studies Online 2.2 (Spring 1998) ; printed JS 2.4 (Fall 1998): 31–46.
Thiel, Diane M. “Passing the Torch.” World Wide Web Tor House Foundation online page: Thiel 1998: 1–8.
Zentius, Michael Albert. “Learning to Climb” [original narrative poem in the tradition of RJ and Gary Snyder]. San Jose State University masters project, 1998. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 14.]
Ziolkowski, Theodore. The View from the Tower: Origins of an Antimodernist Image. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1998. [Reviewed in JS 2.4 (Fall 1998): 7–11. Study of Rilke, Jung, and RJ’s towers as symbols.]
Beers, Terry. “A Note on the Text of ‘Strange Hunting.’” Jeffers Studies Online 3.3 (Summer 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 40.
____. “Walter Van Tilburg Clark’s ‘Strange Hunting.’” Jeffers Studies Online 3.3 (Summer 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 24–28.
Brophy, Robert. “Clark’s ‘Strange Hunting’: The Ritual.” Jeffers Studies Online 3.3 (Summer 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 41–43.
____. “Continent’s End: Landscape as Court of Judgment in Robinson Jeffers.” JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 18–19. [Abstract of 1999 Western Literature Association conference paper.]
____. “A Frost Poem on Jeffers.” JS 3.1 (Winter 1999): 14–15.
____. “Robinson Jeffers.” Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 212: Twentieth-Century American Western Writers, Second Series. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. 143–52.
____. “William Everson.” Dictionary of Literary Biogaphy, Vol. 212: Twentieth-Century American Western Writers, Second Series. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. 53–59. [RJ discipleship, publications, and printings.]
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg. “Strange Hunting.” Jeffers Studies Online 3.3 (Summer 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 29–39.
Fitzpatrick, Elayne. “The Raconteur and the Poet: Henry Miller and Jeffers.” JS 3.1 (Winter 1999): 16–20. [Response to Brophy’s article in RJN 97 (1996): 21–25.]
Glaser, Kirk. “From the Range of Light to Continent’s End: Mystical Naturalism and Revisionary Romantics in John Muir and Robinson Jeffers.” JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 19–20. [Abstract of 1999 Western Literature Association conference paper.]
Harrison, Paul. The Elements of Pantheism: Understanding the Divinity of Nature and the Universe. Boston: Element Books, 1999. [Review in JS 2.3 (Summer 1998): 6–7; Chap. 2 deals with RJ.]
Hogan, Charles. “Jeffers as Radical.” JS 3.1 (Winter 1999): 12–13.
Horstmann, Ulrich. Jeffers Meditationen oder Die Poesie als Abwendungskunst [Meditations on Jeffers or Poetry as the Art of Obviation]. Announced for 1999.
Jarman, Mark. “Slip, Shift, & Speed Up: The Influence of Robinson Jeffers’s Narrative Syntax.” Jeffers Studies Online 3.2 (Spring 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 10–23.
Lagayette, Pierre. “Robinson Jeffers’s California Landscape and the Rhetoric of Displacement.”Jeffers Studies Online 3.1 (Winter 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 2–9. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 20–21. 1999 Western Literature Association conference paper.]
Mackin, Kathleen. “Frederic Mortimer Clapp’s ‘Coast-Range Figures in a Dance of Death’: Evolution of a Poetic Tribute.”Jeffers Studies Online 3.4 (Fall 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 44–54.
Malnar, Alan J. “The Poet of Hawk Tower.” Magazine: American Falconry (Dec. 1999): 36–41.
Morris, David Copland. “‘The Coast Opposite Humanity’: Competing Visions of Cosmos, Self, and History in Rich, Milosz, and Jeffers.” JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 21–22. [Abstract of 1999 Western Literature Association conference paper.]
Owings, Margaret. “Dylan Thomas Meets Jeffers.” JS 3.1 (Winter 1999): 8–9.
____. “A Jeffers Park Proposal.” JS 3.1 (Winter 1999): 9–10.
Quigley, Peter. “Landscape and Power: Jeffers, Empire, and the American Century.” JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 22–23. [Abstract of 1999 Western Literature Association conference paper.]
Ross, Robert L. “[John] Robinson Jeffers.” Encyclopedia of American Literature. New York: Continuum, 1999. 585–86.
Rothman, David J. “Jeffers Inhumanist Poetics and the Vision of Nature in American Art.” JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 23. [Abstract of 1999 Western Literature Association conference paper.]
____. “‘Shine, Perishing Republic’: Criticism.” Poetry for Students. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. 169–173.
Schmidt, Michael. Lives of the Poets. New York: Knopf, 1999. [RJ covered on pp. 702–05 and passim; RJ as a “closing down” of Whitman’s line.]
Strauss, Botho. Fragmente der Undeutlichkeit. Frankfurt: Verlag der Autoren, 1999.
Tangney, ShaunAnne. “Inhumanism or the Cultural Logic of California.” JS 3.2 (1999): 23–24. [Abstract of 1999 Western Literature Association conference paper.]
Waldron, Robert. “Milosz, Jeffers, and Merton: Poets of Attention.” Merton Journal (16 June 1999): 10, 43.
Wernick, Robert. “Big Sur: Life on the Edge.” Smithsonian 30.8 (Nov. 1999): 98–111. [Big Sur flora and fauna, climate and history, landscape and geology, roads and mudslides, Ohlone natives and homesteads, miners and loggers, beats and hippies, novelists and poets—reflecting largely on RJ and Henry Miller.]
Zaller, Robert. “Jeffers’s Heavenly Meditations.”Jeffers Studies Online 3.4 (Fall 1999) ; printed JS 3.4 (Fall 1999): 55–72.