1970 – 1979

Bednárˆ, Kamil. “Jeffers in Czechoslovakia.” RJN 17 (Nov. 1970): 8–9.

Bertlett, Peter. Exhibit of the Works of Robinson Jeffers. San Luis Obispo, CA: California State Polytechnic College, 1970.

Bogan, Elizabeth. Untitled reviews of “Such Counsels You Gave to Me” and Medea from Nation and New Yorker. A Poet’s Alphabet: Reflections on the Literary Art and Vocation. Eds. Robert Phelps and Ruth Limmer. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. 251–55. [Reprint of two contemporary reviews from 1930s and 1940s.]

Boyers, Robert. “A Sovereign Voice: The Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” Modern American Poetry: Essays in Criticism. Ed. Jerome Mazzaro. New York: David McKay, 1970. 183–204.

Brophy, Robert. “Jeffers Research: Masters’ Theses: Occidental College Library.” RJN 25 (Feb. 1970): 4–8. [Those completed after 1949 are reported with a short abstract under their respective dates; previous theses are reported also with abstracts, authors, and topics indicated as follows: Klein (RJ’s Prosody); Hughes (Millay and RJ); Thurston (Tragedy in O’Neill, RJ, and Dreiser); Clark (RJ, Wordsworth, Swinburne, the Greeks, and science); Strauss (RJ, Petrie, and Spengler); Ashelman (RJ’s Ethical Fiber); Miller (RJ’s Aesthetic Naturalism); Wrubel (RJ’s Primitivism); Hopkins (Whitman and RJ); Duboise (Poe and RJ); Levy (RJ’s Prophetic Element); Wasserstrom (Criticism of RJ); Dolan (RJ’s Philosophy of Decay). Each of these is on microfilm at Occidental College.]

____. “‘Tamar,’ ‘The Cenci,’ and Incest.” American Literature 42 (May 1970): 241–44. B22. [Abstract in RJN 27 (Nov. 1970): 3.]

Bukowski, Charles. “Looking for Giants.” [William Robson and Josette Bryson’s] The Southern California Scene 1 (Dec. 1970): 30–46. B124. [Interview.]

Dougherty, David. “The Annihilative Vision: Craftsmanship and Dramatic Action in the Narratives of Robinson Jeffers.” Miami University dissertation, 1970. [Abstract in RJN 28 (June 1971): 3. RJ’s dramatic genius in using archetypal forms and narrator interaction with the characters; RJ’s narratives are “Visionary” (interrelationship between God and man), “Realistic” (RJ’s interest in psychology and culture hero), and “Exempla” (clarifying a philosophical position); ends with an intensive study of “The Women at Point Sur,” “Give Your Heart to the Hawks,” and “Hungerfield.”]

Durant, Will, and Ariel Durant. Interpretations of Life: A Survey of Contemporary Literature. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970. 65–67.

Eberhart, Richard. “A Tribute and Appreciation.” RJN 27 (Nov. 1970): 6–7. B52. [Within “Three Memoirs of Robinson Jeffers.” Accompanied by five lines to the editor describing his visit with RJ.]

Everson, William. “Earth Poetry.” Sierra Club Bulletin 55.7 (July 1970): 13–15. [Became a basic text for the ecology movement.]

____. Introduction. Cawdor/Medea. By Robinson Jeffers. New York: New Directions, 1970. vii–xxx. B54. [Extended discussion of RJ and his relation to Emerson.]

Jeffers, Robinson. Poetry, Gongorism, and a Thousand Years. Folcroft, NY: Folcroft P, ca. 1970. [Reprint of 1956 volume by Book Club of California, and of 1949 New York Times article; after “Themes in My Poems,” RJ’s most extended discussion of his concept of poetry and poet.]

Keller, Karl. “California, Yankees, and the Death of God: The Allegory in Jeffers’s ‘Roan Stallion.’” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 12 (Spring 1970), 111–20. B89. [Abstract in RJN30 (Jan. 1972): 12.]

Littlejohn, David. “Robinson Jeffers.” Interruptions. New York: Grossman, 1970. 107– 15. B96–97. [Reviewed in RJN 31 (May 1972): 4.]

Mauthe, Andrew K. “Jeffers’s Inhumanism and Its Poetic Significance.” RJN 26 (July 1970): 8–10. B103.

____. “The Significance of Point Lobos in ‘Tamar.’” RJN 25 (Feb. 1970): 8–10. B102–03.

Nolte, William H. The Merrill Checklist of Robinson Jeffers. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill, 1970.

____. The Merrill Guide to Robinson Jeffers. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill, 1970.

Parker, Jean Louise. “Robinson Jeffers: A Study of the Phenomena of Human Consciousness.” Pennsylvania State University dissertation, 1970. [Abstract in RJN 32 (July 1972): 3. Human consciousness needs integration with the whole; self consciousness found in love, death, pain, and introversion, each of which gets a chapter using both narratives and short poems.]

Rorty, James. Untitled memoir of RJ. RJN 27 (Nov. 1970): 4–5. [Within “Three Memoirs of Robinson Jeffers.”]

Shapiro, Karl. “The Poetry Wreck.” Library Journal 95 (15 Feb. 1970): 632–35. [Reprinted as “The New Poetry—A Literary Breakdown.” Los Angeles Times 19 April 1970: sec. E: 1.]

Thorpe, James. Poems in Manuscript: Facsimile Reproductions of Original Manuscripts in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Pasadena, CA: Castle P, 1970. 34. [“Rock and Hawk.”]

Van Doren, Mark. Untitled memoir of RJ. RJN 27 (Nov. 1970): 3–4. [Within “Three Memoirs of Robinson Jeffers.”]

Vardamis, Alex. “The Critical Reputation of Robinson Jeffers.” Columbia University dissertation, 1970. [Abstract in RJN 37 (Dec. 1973): 3–4. Becomes his book, which is divided into reviews, articles, and books, with citations and short summaries.]

Adamic, Louis. Robinson Jeffers: A Portrait. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft P, 1971. [Reprint of 1929 chapbook. Author’s first-hand impressions of the poet and his poetry.]

Allred, Jerry. “The Western Inhumanism of Robinson Jeffers.” University of Utah thesis, 1971. [Noted in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 5.]

Anderson, David B., ed. Sunshine and Smoke.Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1971. 513–14. [Ecology reader; compares RJ to Twain.]

Bednárˆ, Kamil. Pratelstoi Pres Ocean [Friendship over the Ocean]. Prague: Ceskoslovensky Spisovatel, 1971. [177 pages on RJ’s life and work.]

Brophy, Robert. “Landscape as Genesis and Analogue in Jeffers’s Narratives.” RJN 29 (Aug. 1971): 11–16. B22.

Bukowski, Charles. “A Poet on Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 29 (Aug. 1971): 5–6.

Coffin, Arthur B. Robinson Jeffers: Poet of Inhumanism. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1971.

Everson, William. “Continent’s End: The Collected Poems of Robinson Jeffers: A Proposal.” RJN 31 (May 1971): 10–15. [First pressing for a collected works, later taken up by Stanford UP.]

____. Introduction. Californians. By Robinson Jeffers. Cayucos, CA: Cayucos P, 1971. vii–xxvi. B55. [Some discussion of RJ’s Oedipal complex and its relation to his art.]

Friar, Kimon. “On Translation.” Comparative Literature Studies 8 (Sept. 1971): 197– 213. B61. [Challenge of Medea for RJ.]

Harris, J. Robert. “Robinson Jeffers’ Poetic Definitions of God.” University of Saskatchewan thesis, 1971.

Heyen, William. “The Return.” Poetry (Apr. 1971): 27.

Hrubesky, Donald. “Robinson Jeffers—An Inverted Whitman.” Kansas State University dissertation, 1971. [Abstract in RJN 31 (May 1972): 4. Major themes of both RJ and Whitman: sexuality, cosmic consciousness, interaction of physical universe, religious perception of cosmic unity manifesting a divine spirit; they differ in what they observe, objects they value, predictions they make—marking them as opposites.]

Hughes, John. “Humanism and the Orphic Voice.” Saturday Review 54 (22 May 1971): 31–33. [RJ and Lawrence are “puny bourgeois neurotics”; RJ is a monomaniacal proto-fascist who misreads Nietzsche and insanely misinterprets the Greeks. Vardamis letter responds regarding fascism, Saturday Review (12 June 1971): 25.]

Jeffers, Robinson. Preface. Jeffers Country. By Horace Lyon. San Francisco: Scrimshaw, 1971. 9–11. [First full appearance of essay, which relates his verse to the Carmel-Sur landscape.]

Jeffers, Una. Preface. Jeffers Country. By Horace Lyon. San Francisco: Scrimshaw, 1971. 12–14. [First appearance of companion essay to her husband’s, relating their lives to the landscape.]

Karman, James. “The Religion of Robinson Jeffers.” University of Iowa thesis, 1971. [Abstract in RJN 40 (Nov. 1974): 6.]

Krutch, Joseph Wood. “Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 29 (Aug. 1971): 6–11. [Paper read at Occidental College in 1955 at the 50th Anniversary Celebration of RJ’s graduation.]

Le Master, J. R. “Lorca, Jeffers, and the Myth of Tamar.” New Laurel Review 1 (1971): 44–51. [Abstract in RJN 39 (July 1974): 3.]

Lyon, Horace. Jeffers Country: The Seed Plots of Robinson Jeffers’s Poetry. San Francisco: Scrimshaw, 1971. [Photographs by Horace Lyon, poem excerpts and original preface by RJ; reviewed in RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 9–10.]

McHaney, Thomas L. “Jeffers’s ‘Tamar’ and Faulkner’s The Wild Palms.” RJN 29 (Aug. 1971): 16–18. [Faulkner’s use of the biblical Tamar and RJ’s treatment (incest)—as also in The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!]

Mitchell, Frederick. Foreword. Jeffers Country. By Horace Lyon. San Francisco: Scrimshaw, 1971. 7–8. [Recounts the history of Horace Lyon’s project from 1935.]

Powell, Lawrence Clark. “Give Your Heart to the Hawks.” California Classics: The Creative Literature of the Golden State. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie, 1971. 208–19. B119. [Reprint from article in Westways (1968).]

Redinger, Ellsworth. “The Poetic Dramas of Robinson Jeffers.” University of Southern California dissertation, 1971. B121. [Abstract in RJN 28 (June 1971): 3. RJ’s dramatic skills improved; presents tighter, more unified structures and dramatic thrusts; condensed action; simplified themes, reduced casts; integrated actions, characters.]

Squires, James Radcliffe. “Robinson Jeffers.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 12. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1971. 985. [Some misinformation; see also 1998 Micropaedia. Vol. 6. 522.]

Taylor, J. Golden. The Literature of the American West. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971. 729–56.

Turlish, Molly. “Story Patterns from Greek and Biblical Sources in the Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” University of Michigan dissertation, 1971. [Abstract in RJN 32 (July 1972): 2. RJ’s Inhumanism doesn’t easily fit archetypal Greek and biblical myths such as “The Tower Beyond Tragedy,” “Dear Judas,” and “Medea,” but manages by modernizing and new motivation, using the myth as in “Cawdor,” “Tamar,” and “Roan Stallion.”]

Whitmore, Jeffrey. “Jeffers Had ‘Incredible Integrity and a Good Greek Soul.’” Carmel Pine Cone 58.26 (29 June 1971): 1.

Alexander, John R. “Conflict in the Narrative Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” Sewanee Review 80 (Winter 1972): 85–99. [Reviewed in RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 4.]

Allred, Jerry. “Robinson Jeffers and the Problem of Western Violence.” The Possible Sack 3 (Oct. 1972): 6–13. B9.

Bednárˆ, Kamil. “The Poet and His Country.” Free World [Prague daily] 19 Jan. 1972.

____. “The Poet and the Woman.” People’s Democracy (10 & 20 Jan. 1972). [150-verse tribute to Una Jeffers’s influence on RJ.]

Beilke, Marlan. “God and Man in the Works of Robinson Jeffers.” University of Tasmania dissertation, 1972. [Abstract in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 5.]

Bernheimer, Martin. “Medea Premiere.” Los Angeles Times 1 Dec. 1972: sec. 4: 1+. [For text, see RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 5–7.]

Brophy, Robert. “The Apocalyptic Dimension of Jeffers’s Narratives.” RJN 32 (July 1972): 4–7. B23.

____. “‘Crumbs or the Loaf’: An Interpretation.” RJN 32 (July 1972): 8–9. B23.

____. “Jeffers’s ‘Cawdor’ and the Hippolytus Story.” Western American Literature 7.5 (Fall 1972): 171–78. B23. [Abstract in RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 4–5.]

____. “Jeffers Country.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 14. [Map with list of poems.]

____. “Jeffers Scholarly Resources: A Proposed Series.” RJN 33 (Sept. 1972): 11–14.

____. “Jeffers’s Medea: A Dionysian Retribution.” RJN 33 (Sept. 1972): 4–6. B24.

____. “The Mysticism of the Poet.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 5. [Abstract of 1971 RJ Festival paper.]

____. “Sara Bard Field on Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 33 (Sept. 1972): 13–14. [Abstract from transcript of interview with Field by Regional Oral History, Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley, 4 October 1962.]

____. “The Summer Jeffers Festival: A Review.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 1–5.

____. “Topography and the Jeffers Narrative Scene.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 13–14.

Cerwin, Herbert. “Notes on Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 33 (Sept. 1972): 3–4 . [A memoir; not always accurate.]

Coffin, Arthur B. “Robinson Jeffers: Inhumanism and the Apocalypse.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 6. [Abstract of 1971 RJ Festival paper.]

____. “Jeffers Intellectual Interests.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 3. [Abstract of panel remarks at 1971 RJ Festival.]

Dougherty, David. Abstract of 1971 RJ Festival paper. RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 4.

____. “Tragedy, Inhumanism, and Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 6–7. B50. [Abstract of 1971 RJ Festival paper. Title also given as “No Rational Exit: ‘Give Your Heart to the Hawks.’”]

____.“Themes in Jeffers and James Wright.” RJN 33 (Sept. 1972): 7–11. B50–51.

Everson, William. “Continent’s End: The Collected Poems of Robinson Jeffers; A Proposal.” RJN 31 (May 1972): 10–15. B54.

____. Introduction. Californians. By Robinson Jeffers. Cayucos, CA: Cayucos Books, 1971. vii–xxvi. [Reviewed in RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 10–11.]

____. “A Poet Reads and Reflects on Jeffers Themes.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 1–2. [Abstract of 1971 RJ Festival talk.]

____. Poetry of Earth. San Rafael: Big Sur Recordings, 1972. [One-hour audio cassette.]

Haury. B. B. “The Influence of Robinson Jeffers’s ‘Tamar’ on Absalom, Absalom!Mississippi Quarterly 25 (1972): 356–58. B73.

Jeffers, Robinson. “Poetry, Gongorism, and a Thousand Years.” American Poetic Theory. Ed. George Perkins. New York: Holt, 1972. [RJ’s 1948 New York Times essay on the ideal poet.]

Kafka, Robert M. “Dionysus Redivivus: The Narrative Intention of Robinson Jeffers’s ‘The Women at Point Sur.’” Lehigh University thesis, 1972. [Abstract in RJN 35 (May 1973): 3–4.]

Keller, Karl. “Jeffers’s Pace.” RJN 32 (July 1972): 7–17. [A study of RJ’s prosody.]

Klein, Herbert. Remarks made at 1971 RJ Festival. RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 3. [On RJ’s publication hiatus, virtuosity of verse, failure of imitators, and influence of Hardy.]

Lyon, Horace. “Jeffers Country.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 4. [Abstract of slide-accompanied reflections on genesis and progress of his photo book of the same title, given at 1971 RJ Festival.]

Nickerson, Edward. Prospectus for a Dissertation: “The Apocalyptic Poetry of Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 11–12.

____. “The Relationship between Apocalypse and Discovery.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 3–4. [Abstract of 1971 RJ Festival paper.]

Pyne, Teresa M. “Minority Group Characters in the Work of Robinson Jeffers.” Washington State University, Pullman thesis, 1972.

Redinger, Al (Ellsworth). “Jeffers’s Women Protagonists.” RJN 30 (Jan. 1972): 5. [Ab-stract of 1971 RJ Festival paper.]

Robinson Jeffers Committee. “Tribute.” RJN 31 (May 1972): 6–8. [A letter of commendation and appreciation sent to Kamil Bednárˆ on his eighth volume translating RJ’s poetry.]

Schneeberger, Mary Louise (text), and Robert Blaisdell (cinematographer). “From the Tower” [film]. Carmel-Monterey: Black Lion Moon Gate Productions. RJN 33 (Sept. 1972): 2–3.

Shields, Jerry A. “The Divided Mind of Robinson Jeffers.” Duke University dissertation, 1972. B136. [Abstract in RJN 37 (Dec. 1973): 3–4. Tension in RJ’s poetry stems from Oedipal complex permeating his behavior and his writing; he suffered a “compulsion neurosis syndrome.”]

Vardamis, Alex A. The Critical Reputation of Robinson Jeffers: A Bibliographical Study. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1972. [Reviewed in RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 3–4.]

Axberger, Gunnar. “Arson and Fiction: A Cross-Disciplinary Study.” Psychiatry 36.3 (Aug. 1973): 244–65. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 8.]

Bernheimer, Martin. “Medea Premiere” [Alva Henderson’s opera adapted from RJ’s text]. RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 3–4. [Reprinted from Los Angeles Times 1 Dec. 1972: sec 4: 1+.]

Brophy, Robert. “Biographical and Psychoanalytic Criticism: A Response.” RJN 37 (Dec. 1973): 4–5.

____. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: Brooklyn Public Library.” RJN 37 (Dec. 1973): 11–12.

____. “The Mabel Dodge Luhan Correspondence: Library, University of California, Berkeley.” RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 7–9.

____. “‘Night’: A Prayerful Reconciliation.” RJN 37 (Dec. 1973): 6–7. B25.

____. “The Ritual Ending of ‘Roan Stallion.’” RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 11–15. B24.

____. Robinson Jeffers: Myth, Ritual, and Symbol in His Narrative Poems. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve UP, 1973. B26. [Reviewed in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 4. Identifies RJ’s myth-ritual approach, sacrifice and sacrament, in narratives “Tamar,” “Roan Stallion,” and “Cawdor”; in dramas “The Tower Beyond Tragedy” and “At the Birth of an Age”; and presents a reading of “Apology for Bad Dreams” as RJ’s ars poetica.]

____. “The Robinson Jeffers Stamp.” RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 1.

____. “‘Salmon-Fishing’: Ritual Gesture at the Heart of Things.” RJN 35 (May 1973): 6. B25. [Analyzes the sacrificial imagery of a solstice salmon-run as RJ’s way of seeing underlying reality.]

____. “Una Jeffers-Blanche Matthias Correspondence: Beinecke Library, Yale.” RJN 35 (May 1973): 7–9.

Burrows, George. The Women at Point Sur [An adaptation of RJ’s narrative to theater at Santa Fe, NM, July 1973. Two reviews from the New Mexican summarized in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 6–7.]

Chaplin, Charles. “Chaplin on Jeffers.” RJN 37 (Dec. 1973): 2–3.

Cherry, William G. “An Analysis of the Major Characters of Selected Long Poems by Robinson Jeffers as Reflections of the Author’s Philosophy and Poetic Theory.” University of South Carolina dissertation, 1973. [Abstract in RJN 39 (July 1974): 4–5. Traces Inhumanism through ten major works, “Tamar” through “The Double Axe”; power comes from purposely unrealistic characters and aura of timelessness; sought characteristics permanently recognizable.]

Everson, William. Afterword. Tragedy Has Obligations. By Robinson Jeffers. Santa Cruz: Lime Kiln P, 1973. B55–56. [Abstract in RJN 39 (July 1974): 3; reviewed in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 3–4.]

____. “Archetype West.” Regional Perspectives: An Examination of America’s Literary Heritage. Ed. John Gordon Burke. Chicago: American Library Association, 1973. 207– 306. B54. [Reviewed in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 5. RJ as epitome of Western themes of violence, lawlessness, expansive terrain and skies, freedom, and impending end time.]

____. “Astrological Note.” RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 7–8. B54. [Contrasts two reports of the hour of RJ’s birth; startlingly different readings.]

____. Foreword. Robinson Jeffers: Myth, Ritual, and Symbol. By Robert Brophy. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve UP, 1973. ix–xiv.

____. Preface, Introduction, Afterword, and Notes. The Alpine Christ and Other Poems. By Robinson Jeffers. [Aromas, CA]: Cayucos P, 1973. vii–viii, ix–xxix, 191–95, 197– 200. [Prospectus in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 3; reviewed in RJN 38 (Apr. 1974): 2–3.]

____. Robinson Jeffers. Deland, FL: Everett/Edwards, 1973. [Cassette in Modern American Criticism Series; reviewed in RJN 38 (Apr. 1974): 3–4.]

Garland, Gary. “Mann and Jeffers: Myth Definition and Subsequent Technique.” RJN 37 (Dec. 1973): 7–11. B62.

Gregory, Horace. “Poet without Critics: Robinson Jeffers: The Philosophic Tragedist.” Spirit of Time and Place: Collected Essays of Horace Gregory. New York: W. W. Norton, 1973. 267–79.

Griffith, B. W. “Robinson Jeffers’s ‘The Bloody Sire’ and Stephen Crane’s ‘War Is Kind.’” Notes on Contemporary Literature 3 (Jan. 1973): 14–15. [Abstract in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 2.]

Heiney, Donald, and Lenthiel Downs. “Robinson Jeffers.” Recent American Literature to 1930. Contemporary Literature of the Western World. Vol. 3. Woodbury, NY: Barron Educational Series, 1973. 304–10.

Jeffers, Donnan. “Memoir and Postscript” [on Kamil Bednárˆ]. RJN 35 (May 1973): 19.

____. “Some Biographical Corrigenda.” RJN 35 (May 1973): 4–5.

Kafka, Robert. “Jeffers’s ‘Preface’ to Brides of the South Wind.” RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 9–11.

Klein, H. Arthur. “Czech Poet, Jeffers’s Translator: Kamil Bednárˆ: A Memoir and a Tribute.” RJN 35 (May 1973): 10–11.

Lyman, W. W. “Robinson Jeffers: A Memoir.” RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 19–26.

McGinty, Brian. “The View from Hawk’s Tower: Poet Robinson Jeffers and the Rugged Coast That Shaped Him.” American West 10 (Nov. 1973): 4–9. [Abstract in RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 2–3.]

Nickerson, Edward. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: Yale University Library.” RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 11–14. [Abstract in RJN 39 (July 1974): 4–5.]

____. “Robinson Jeffers: Poet of Apocalypse.” SUNY, Albany dissertation, 1973. [Abstract in RJN 39 (July 1974): 5. Fires, deluge, storms, quakes remind of potential catastrophe; destruction of small groups symbolizing the race; Bible looks to a New Earth, RJ looks to redemptive cosmic splendor.]

Powell, Lawrence Clark. Robinson Jeffers: The Man and His Work. New York: Gordon Press, 1973.

Ritchie, Ward. “Theodore Lilienthal, Robinson Jeffers and the Quercus Press.” RJN 34 (Feb. 1973): 15–19. B123.

Shaw, Susan. “Elements of Eastern Philosophy in Jeffers.” RJN 36 (Oct. 1973): 8–11.

Starr, Kevin. Americans and the California Dream: 1850–1915. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 268, 279, 284, 385, 424. [RJ usually noted in connection and contrast with early Carmel poets, especially Sterling.]

Sterling, George. Robinson Jeffers: The Man and the Artist. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft P, 1973. [Reprint of 1926 edition. Point of view enhanced by friendship and adulation.]

Vickery, John. The Literary Impact of the Golden Bough. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1973. 158–61. B151.

Winters, Yvor. “Robinson Jeffers.” Yvor Winters: Uncollected Essays and Reviews. Chicago: Swallow, 1973. 64–69. [Reprinted from Poetry 35 (Feb. 1930): 279–86.

Blair, Walter, et al. American Literature: A Brief History. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1974. 221–22, 314. B17.

Brophy, Robert. “Biblical Resonances in Jeffers’s ‘Signpost.’” RJN 39 (July 1974): 10–12. B27.

____. “Distancing in Jeffers’s Lyrics.” RJN 38 (Apr. 1974): 5–6. B27.

____. “Jeffers Manuscripts: University of North Carolina Library.” RJN 37 (Apr. 1974): 17.

____. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: California State University, Long Beach.” RJN 39 (July 1974): 21–26.

____. “Jeffers’s ‘Second-Best’: A Vocational Crisis.” RJN 40 (Nov. 1974): 7–9. B28.

____. “Kirwan on Jeffers.” RJN 39 (July 1974): 6–8.

____. “T. S. Eliot and Robinson Jeffers: A Note.” RJN 38 (Apr. 1974): 4–5. B26.

Everson, William. Preface, Introduction, Afterword, Notes to the Commentary, and Notes on the Poems. Brides of the South Wind. By Robinson Jeffers. [Cayucos, CA]: Cayucos Books, 1974. ix–xxxiii, 119–37. [Scholarship and insight on the volume that would be Tamar and Other Poems.]

Hartshorne, Charles, and William W. Reese. [Excerpt from Tragic Pantheism: Philosophers Speak of God. U of Chicago P, 1953, 1969. 208–210.] RJN 39 (July 1974): 9–10.

Henderson, W. B. Drayton. [Macmillan Company 2 April 1920 letter of rejection of “Tamar and Other Poems” for “very unpleasant and fleshly incidents” and “disconnection” from “splendid Californian backgrounds.”] Brides of the South Wind. Ed. William Everson. [Cayucos, CA]: Cayucos Books, 1974. 134.

Hotchkiss, Bill. “The Sivaistic Vision: Art and Theme in Robinson Jeffers.” University of Oregon dissertation, 1974. [Abstract in RJN 40 (Nov. 1974): 5–6. Looks to RJ’s precedents in literature; elaborates on “Tamar”; compares RJ with Euripides, Aeschylus, and Marlowe.]

Kruse, Horst. “To The Rock That Will Be a Cornerstone of the House.” Die amerikanische Lyrik, Der amerikanische Roman, Das amerikanische Drama. Ed. Paul Goetsch. Dusseldorf: Bagel, 1974.

Lockart, E. N. “A Visit to Robinson Jeffers in 1945.” English Language Notes 12 (Dec. 1974): 120–23. B97.

Miner, Priscilla. “Note on ‘The Alpine Christ.’” RJN 40 (Nov. 1974): 3–4. [Influence of Goethe’s Faust.]

Nickerson, Edward A. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: Library of Congress.” RJN 40 (Nov. 1974): 17–20. [Includes an alternate version of the “Cawdor” narrative.]

____. “The Return to Rhyme.” RJN 39 (July 1974): 12–21. [RJ rejected rhyme as “tinkling sheep-bells and a child’s game” yet in Be Angry at the Sun (1941) used it with wide range and technique.]

____. “An Unpublished Poem of Robinson Jeffers.” Yale University Library Gazette 49 (Oct. 1974): 231–33. [An example of RJ’s humor, a poem written for Langston Hughes’s birthday and given to Una to read at his party.]

Pascoe, Stephen. “‘Birth-Dues’: An Explication.” RJN 38 (Apr. 1974): 6–10. B116.

Ritchie, Ward. Theodore Lilienthal, Robinson Jeffers and the Quercus Press. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie, 1974. [With a checklist of the Lilienthal RJ Collection by Tyrus Harmsen, Mary Norton Clapp Library, Occidental College.]

Scott, Robert I. “Poets’ Gods: Stevens’s Words, Jeffers’s World as God.” Canadian Review of American Studies 5.2 (Fall 1974): 198–201.

____. “The World-As-God-As-Net in Jeffers’s Unpublished Poem ‘O Happy Astronomer.’” RJN 38 (Apr. 1974): 10–17. B131. [Poem may relate to metaphor first used in “The Alpine Christ.”]

Shebl, James. “In This Wild Water: The Biography of Some Unpublished Manuscripts by Robinson Jeffers, 1887–1962.” University of the Pacific dissertation, 1974. [Abstract in RJN 43 (Dec. 1975): 5. Biography of The Double Axe poems withdrawn by RJ at publisher’s urging—RJ’s use of Roosevelt, Truman, Hitler, etc. as metaphors of contemporary issues—leading to RJ’s invoking of “Inhumanism.”]

Stauffer, Donald. A Short History of American Poetry. New York: Dutton, 1974. 312–14. B141.

Van Dam, Denis. “Greek Shadows on the Monterey Coast: Environment in Robinson Jeffers’s Poetry.” RJN 40 (Nov. 1974): 9–17.

William Schneider Books. “The Archives of Cayucos Books” [checklist excerpts]. RJN 40 (Nov. 1974): 4. [Includes Everson’s pioneering research, psychological analysis, editing, ordering of RJ’s early, mostly hitherto unpublished work.]

White, William. “Robinson Jeffers on a Postage Stamp.” American Book Collector 24 (1974): 30.

Bell, Marvin. “Homage to the Runner.” American Poetry Review (July–Aug. 1975). 35– 37. [Reflects on RJ’s poem “The Eye.”]

Bennett, Melba Berry. Robinson Jeffers and the Sea [San Francisco: Gelber, Lilienthal, 1936]. Ann Arbor: Books on Demand, ca. 1975.

Bluestone, Stephen. “Robinson Jeffers and the Prophets: On the Book of Jeremiah and ‘The Inhumanist.’” Notes on Contemporary Literature 5 (Sept. 1975): 2–3. B18.

“Books in Print about the Monterey Area” [37 books]. Monterey Peninsula Review (26 June–1 July 1975). [Noted in RJN 43 (Dec. 1975): 4.]

Brophy, Robert. Foreword (“The Voices of Robinson Jeffers”). Robinson Jeffers: Poet in Collection. Long Beach: California State U, 1975. 1–2. [RJ must not be judged by one or two poems; he spoke as teacher, philosopher, prophet, mystic, peace-maker, apocalyptist.]

____. “Jeffers Festival: Ashland.” RJN 43 (Dec. 1975): 1–2.

____. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: Gleeson Library.” RJN 43 (Dec. 1975): 18.

____. Robinson Jeffers. Western Writers Series No. 19. Boise, ID: Boise State U, 1975. [An attempt to sum up RJ’s life, career, canon, themes, philosophy, genres, craft in 50 pages!]

____. Robinson Jeffers: Poet in Collection. Long Beach: California State U, 1975. [25-page checklist including description of mss. for 23 unpublished poems later appearing in Songs and Heroes, 1988.]

____. The Works of Robinson Jeffers. Western American Writers Series, Cassette Curriculum. Deland, FL: Everett/Edwards, 1975. [Why/how RJ is specifically a Western writer: themes, landscape, individuality, isolation, last things, dedication, enigma.]

Brower, David, ed. Headlands. Foreword and poems by Robinson Jeffers; photographs byRichard Kauffman. San Francisco: Friends of the Earth, 1975.

Caughey, John and LaRee. “An Open Letter to Gov. Edmund G. Brown” [extolling RJ]. RJN 42 (August 1975): 16.

Cronon, William. “Robinson Jeffers Collections: Stanford University.” RJN 42 (Aug. 1975): 15–16.

DeMott, Robert. “Robertson Jeffers’s ‘Tamar.’” The Twenties: Fiction, Poetry, Drama. Ed. Warren French. Deland, FL: Everett/Edwards, 1975. 405–25. B45.

[Everson, William]. Robinson Jeffers: Granite & Cypress: Rubbings from the Rock: The Lime Kiln Press. [Santa Cruz, CA]: Cowell P, Oct. 1975. [Prospectus describing the making of this monumental work.]

Harmsen, Tyrus. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials at Occidental College.” RJN 43 (Dec. 1975): 21–23.

Hotchkiss, William. “Stammer the Tragedy.” Afterword. The Women at Point Sur. By Robinson Jeffers. Auburn, CA: Blue Oak P, 1975. 176–88.

____. Jeffers: The Sivaistic Vision. Auburn, CA: Blue Oak P, 1975. [Close reading of multiple RJ poems, especially “Tamar”; RJ compares favorably with Euripides, Aeschylus, and Marlowe; is one of our major writers; 1974 dissertation made into a book.]

Hunt, Tim. “The Interactive Voice of Jeffers’s ‘Hungerfield.’” RJN 43 (Dec. 1975): 12–17. B78–79. [The link between the elegy-frame and the narrative—both interpenetrating his own grief.]

Jeffers, Donnan. “A Note on Tor House.” RJN 42 (Aug. 1975): 6–9. [Tour of the property, buildings, rooms, furnishings, rich store of antiques, handprint of RJ everywhere.]

Jeffers, Robinson. The Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: A Dramatic Presentation. [Text by RJ, commentary by Elayne Fitzpatrick. Recorded at the RJ Poetry Festival, Monterey, July 1972.] Cassette. Sausalito, CA: Big Sur Recordings, 1975.

Karman, James. “A Note on William Hamilton Jeffers” [RJ’s father]. RJN 42 (Aug. 1975): 9–11. [Gives sense of tones in RJ’s upbringing: sincerity, austerity, piety.]

Kelso, Dr. “Eulogy of Rev. William Hamilton Jeffers.” RJN 43 (Dec. 1975): 6–11. [RJ’s father’s dedication, peace-making, austerity, dedication, humaneness.]

Kibbey, Ray Anne. “Robinson Jeffers.” Bibliography 5.3 (Nov. 1975): 1–23.

Kunitz, Stanley J. “Barbaric Omens.” A Kind of Order: A Kind of Folly. Boston: Little, Brown, 1975. 198–203. [Rewrite of 1941 review of Be Angry at the Sun, “The Day Is a Poem.” New cast of incestuous phantoms; story moves from one explosion of emotion to another; unappeasable nihilism; man’s distaste for his own corruptibility.]

Lachtman, Howard. “Sunlight and Mists: California Odyssey of Robinson Jeffers.” Los Angeles Times West View Calendar Section 11 Oct. 1975: 3.

LeGuin, Ursula K. “For Robinson Jeffers’ Ghost” [poem tribute]. Wild Angels. Capra Chapbook #27. Santa Barbara: Capra P, 1975.

McAllister, Mick. “Meaning and Paradox in Jeffers’s ‘Return.’” RJN 42 (Aug. 1975), 12– 15. B99. [Outstanding example of a poem explication.]

Monjian, Mercedes. Robinson Jeffers: A Study in Inhumanism. [U Pittsburgh P, 1958]. Ann Arbor: Books on Demand, ca. 1975.

Nadel, Barbara. “The Religious Vision of Robinson Jeffers: The Human Problem and the Transhuman Solution.” University of Chicago Divinity School dissertation, 1975. [Abstract in RJN 46 (Sept. 1976): 5. To define peculiar religious character of RJ’s poetry: relation to Puritan tradition (Jonathan Edwards) and to process theology (Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne, Schubert Ogden) to help resolve confusions in RJ criticism.]

Nickerson, Edward. “Robinson Jeffers and the Paean.” Western American Literature 10 (Nov. 1975): 189–93. [Discovery from manuscript in Yale library that RJ intended Greek “quadrisyllabic measures” in his verse.]

Nuwer, Henry. “The Influence of Henry Adams and Robinson Jeffers on Walter Van Tilburg Clark.” University of Nevada dissertation, 1975. [RJ’s influence on Clark’s early poetry and on his fiction: the same Western imagery, use of animals, ritualistic themes, sexually primitive forces. See Nuwer 1976.]

Potts, Lawrence K. “A Spirit for Stone: The Crisis of Hope in the Shorter Poems of Robinson Jeffers.” Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley thesis, 1975.

Powell, Lawrence Clark. Robinson Jeffers: The Man and His Work. [San Paqual P, 1940.] Ann Arbor: Books on Demand, ca. 1975.

Rodgers, Covington, and John Meador. The Robinson Jeffers Collection at the University of Houston. Houston: U of Houston, 1975. [32-page checklist; first technical description of 16 works by RJ, supplementing Albert’s 1933 Bibliography.]

Scott, Robert I. “Robinson Jeffers’s Tragedies as Rediscoveries of the World.” Rocky Mountain Review 29 (Autumn 1975): 147–65.

____. “Three Unpublished Poems of Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 41 (May 1975): 11–18. [“Belgian Surrender—May,” “Miching Mallecho,” “An Ordinary Newscaster.”]

Squires, Radcliffe. “Robinson Jeffers: The Anatomy of Violence.” Modern American Poetry: Essays in Criticism. Ed. Guy Owens. Deland, FL: Everett/Edwards, 1975. 117–31. B140.

White, Kenneth. The Coast Opposite Humanity. Carmarthen, Wales: Unicorn P, 1975.

Brophy, Robert. Foreword. In This Wild Water by James Shebl. Pasadena, CA: Ward Ritchie, 1976. xii–xvi.

____. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: Albert Bender Collection: Mills College.” RJN 47 (Dec. 1976): 29–32.

____. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: University of Alabama.” RJN 46 (Sept. 1976): 42–43.

____. “Jeffers Theses and Dissertations: A Summary Listing.” RJN 45 (June 1976): 8–10.

____. “A Note on Jeffers’s Prose.” RJN 47 (Dec. 1976): 5–6.

____. “The Prose of Robinson Jeffers: An Annotated Checklist.” RJN 46 (Sept. 1976): 14–36. B29.

____. Robinson Jeffers: Myth, Ritual, and Symbol in His Narrative Poems. 2nd printing. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1976. [Reprint of 1973 myth-ritual study of three early narratives and two dramas, and close reading of “Apology for Bad Dreams” as RJ’s ars poetica.]

Buffum, Richard. “Last Stage to Carmel.” RJN 44 (Mar. 1976): 10–11.

Bukowski, Charles. “He Wrote in Lonely Blood” [poem tribute]. RJN 46 (Sept. 1976): 40. [Reprinted from Mockingbird Wish Me Luck. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1973.]

Clark, Walter Van Tilburg. “For Robinson Jeffers” [poem]. RJN 44 (Mar. 1976): 17.

Denison, Paul. “Flowering of the Robinson Jeffers Renaissance.” Monterey Peninsula Herald: Weekend 17 Oct. 1976: 10–13.

Drew, Fraser. “Una and Robinson Jeffers at Lough Carra.” Eire-Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies 11 (Autumn 1976): 118–25.

Everson, William. Archetype West: The Pacific Coast as a Literary Region. Berkeley: Oyez, 1976. [Especially 62–64, 102–03, 152–53. RJ as epitome of Western themes: expansiveness, individualism, freedom, violence, escape from civilization, wide sky, edge of the world.]

Georgoudaki, Catherine. “Jeffers’s Medea: A Debt to Euripides.” Revue des Langues Vivantes [Brussels] 42 (1976): 620–23.

Gilliam, Harold. “The Abiding Genius of Jeffers.” RJN 46 (Sept. 1976): 37–39. B65.

Harmsen, Tyrus. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials at Occidental College.” RJN 44 (Mar. 1976): 37–39.

Jeffers, Donnan. “Portraits of Robinson Jeffers: A Preliminary List.” RJN 45 (June 1976): 7–8.

Jeffers, Robinson. On contradictions in his poetry. In This Wild Water: Suppressed Poems of Robinson Jeffers. By James Shebl. Pasadena, CA: Ward Ritchie, 1976. 93.

____. “The Subtle Passion” [review of his own Flagons and Apples under the name of Willard Huntington Wright, Los Angeles Times reviewer]. Los Angeles Sunday Times: Holiday Book Number (magazine supplement) 8 Dec. 1912: 17]. RJN 47 (Dec. 1976): 8. [See Ridgeway, Selected Letters, 7–8.]

____. Unused preface to The Double Axe. In This Wild Water: Suppressed Poems of Robinson Jeffers. By James Shebl. Pasadena, CA: Ward Ritchie, 1976. 15, 22–23. [Some differences in transcription from “Original Preface”; see The Double Axe. New York: Liveright, 1977. 171–75. Human relations become “collective onanism,” our “racial disease”; freedom comes from turning to inexhaustible beauty beyond humanity; America always expansive, predatory, missionary, and self-deceptive; mass-thinking, whether Marxist, Aryan, or democratic.]

Jeffers, Una. “Una Jeffers Correspondent” [two letters to Phoebe Barkan]. RJN 44 (June 1976): 7–10.

____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Barkan Letters, 1930–32.” RJN 45 (June 1976): 10– 13.

____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Barkan Letters, 1933–37.” RJN 46 (Sept. 1976): 8– 13.

____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Barkan Letters: Concluded, 1939–49.” RJN 47 (Dec. 1976): 28–29.

Karman, James. “Toward a New Bethlehem: Robinson Jeffers’s Prophetic Re-Vision of Life.” Syracuse University dissertation, 1976. B88. [Abstract in RJN 45 (June 1976): 5. The genre prophecy gives RJ’s verse unity, purpose, and direction; RJ experiences a “call,” a radical sensitivity to suffering, and an expanded sense of time; key poems: “The Double Axe,” “An Artist,” “A Redeemer,” “Apology for Bad Dreams,” and “The Beginning and the End.”]

Luhan, Mabel Dodge. Una and Robin. Ed. Mark Schorer. Keepsake No. 24. Berkeley: Friends of the Bancroft Library, 1976. [Memoir suppressed because of negative reviews by Una’s friends.]

Monjian, Mercedes. “Robinson Jeffers: From Pittsburgh’s Hills to the Pacific Coast.” Carnegie Magazine 50.10 (Dec. 1976): 447–57.

Nickerson, Edward A. “The Holy Light in Jeffers’s Poetry.” RJN 47 (Dec. 1976): 19–28. [Light as central image, symbol of divinity, a complex of redemptive values in RJ.]

Nolte, William. “Robinson Jeffers, An Uncanny Prophet.” The Alternative: An American Spectator 10 (May 1976): 11–15.

Nuwer, Henry. “Jeffers’s Influence Upon Walter Van Tilburg Clark.” RJN 44 (Mar. 1976): 11–17. [See his 1975 thesis; his meetings with RJ; parallel themes and concerns.]

Riggs, Susan F. “A Note on the Stanford Jeffers Holdings.” RJN 47 (Dec. 1976): 28–29.

Scott, Robert I. “Scholarly Materials: Poetry Manuscripts, University of Texas.” RJN 45 (June 1976): 13–16. [Mss. at every stage of completion, “Alpine Christ,” “The Women at Point Sur” versions, 24 short poems, notes for unfinished narratives, notes on prospective autobiography.]

____. “Three of Jeffers’s Unpublished Second World War Predictions.” RJN 44 (Mar. 1976): 18–21. [“The Old Gentleman,” “The Meddlers,” and “Next Armistice Day.”]

____. “Verse: Making the Nightmare Make Sense.” Harper’s 152 (Feb. 1976): 45–46.

Shane, C. D. “Hamilton Moore Jeffers.” RJN 46 (Sept. 1976): 41–42. B135. [Tribute to RJ’s brother, astronomer at Lick Observatory, San Jose.]

Shebl, James. In This Wild Water: Suppressed Poems of Robinson Jeffers. Pasadena, CA: Ward Ritchie, 1976. [Reviewed in RJN 47 (Nov. 1976): 7–8. Random House’s efforts to have RJ withdraw poems from The Double Axe (1948); reviews RJ’s life and canon; discusses his themes.]

Note: Several essays are in Beilke’s book (below); these are cited as from Shining Clarity.

Beilke, Marlan. Shining Clarity: Man and God in the Works of Robinson Jeffers. Amador City, CA: Quintessence Publications, 1977. B14. [Entire range of RJ’s shorter poems: God and man central theme.]

Brophy, Robert. Afterword and Textual Note in Dear Judas and Other Poems. By Robinson Jeffers. New York: Liveright, 1977. 131–53, 154–79.

____. “The Berg Collection: New York Public Library.” RJN 48 (Mar. 1977): 34–35.

Carpenter, Frederic I. “‘Post Mortem’: ‘The Poet Is Dead.’” Western American Literature 112 (May 1977): 3–10. B38. [Compares RJ’s 1927 poem with Everson’s elegy, which uses RJ’s phrases.]

____. “Robinson Jeffers Today: Beyond Good and Beneath Evil.” American Literature 49 (Mar. 1977): 88–96. B38. [Reviews RJ’s later career and the events inciting a renaissance of RJ’s reputation.]

Cerf, Bennett. At Random. New York: Random House, 1977. [Reminiscences of Random House editor, once a champion of RJ, here passing him over almost without comment.]

Elder, Gary. “Let Them Alone.” Shining Clarity. xxxi–xxxvii.

Everson, William. Foreword. The Double Axe and Other Poems. By Robinson Jeffers. New York: Liveright, 1977. vii–xix. B56.

Fonza, David. “The Inhumanist and the Poet of Violence.” Leviathan (May 1977): 5–6. B59–60.

Grace, Jean. “Summer Fog as a Prime Literary Characterization of the Central California Coast.” University of Hawaii thesis, 1977.

Hart, James D. Preface. Shining Clarity. xxi.

Haslam, Gerald. “Predators in Literature.” Western American Literature 12 (Aug. 1977): 123–31. B72–73. [Birds of prey in RJ and Walter Van Tilburg Clark; RJ saw suppressed eagle inside humans, a caged wildness breaking forth in crises for survival, God’s energy; pain as savior.]

Heim, Kathleen. “Robinson Jeffers Newsletter.” Serials Review (July/Sept. 1977): 17– 18.

Hotchkiss, Bill. Afterword and Textual Note. The Double Axe and Other Poems. By Robinson Jeffers. New York: Liveright, 1977. 177–94, 195–97.

____. “For Robinson Jeffers” [poem tribute]. Shining Clarity. xxii–xxiv.

____. “The Last Light.” Shining Clarity. xxv–xxx.

Hunt, Tim. Afterword, Textual Note, and Bibliographical Note. The Women at Point Sur. New York: Liveright, 1977. 191–214, 215–18, 219–20. B79.

Jeffers, Robinson. “Original Preface to ‘The Double Axe.’” The Double Axe and Other Poems. New York: Liveright, 1977, 171–75. [Note some differences from version in In This Wild Water (1976), 22–23.]

Jeffers, Una. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Letters to Blanche Matthias, 1927–34.” RJN 49 (June 1977): 12–21.

Kurrick, Maire. “Robinson Jeffers’s Negatives: The Dialectics of the ‘Not’ in ‘The Bloody Sire.’” Psychocultural Review 1.2 (Spring 1977): 195–201.

Lyon, Horace. “Impressions of Jeffers the Man.” Shining Clarity. xl–xlviii.

____. “The Little People of the Santa Lucias.” RJN 48 (Mar. 1977): 7–9.

____. Untitled reminiscence of Robinson and Una’s tears over photos of their dog Haig. Shining Clarity. liii.

Miura, Tokuhiro. “Poetics of Robinson Jeffers: A Disclaimer of Modernism.” Bungaku-bu Kigo [Hosei University, Tokyo] 23 (1977): 1–29.

Nadel, Barbara S. “Robinson Jeffers’ ‘Cawdor’: The Emergence of Man’s Tragic Beauty.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 45.1 Supplement (Mar. 1977): 227–74. [Abstract in JS 3.2 (Spring 1999): 12–13. “Cawdor” illustrates the polarity of RJ’s attitude toward humanity: harsh judgment of its arrogance and sensitivity to its agonies as lesser tragic beauty; RJ affirms the value of endurance; his initial judgment modified by compassion; Cawdor by self-blinding associates himself with the (un)caged eagle’s vision of “the archetype Body of life”; RJ’s poems are instruments of discovery of beauty amidst terror.]

Nickerson, Edward A. “Robinson Jeffers: Apocalypse and His ‘Inevitable Place.’” Western American Literature 11 (Aug. 1977): 111–22. B112. [Themes from Nickerson’s 1973 dissertation.]

Pettingell, Phoebe. “Robinson Jeffers Revisited.” The New Leader (22 May 1977): 20–21. [Discusses philosophy and theme of the Liveright editions of The Women at Point Sur, Dear Judas, and The Double Axe.]

Ritchie, Ward. Some Recollections on Robinson Jeffers. Laguna Beach, CA: Laguna Verde, 1977.

Rodgers, Covington. “A Checklist of Robinson Jeffers’s Poetical Writings Since 1934.” RJN 48 (Mar. 1977): 11–24. [Updates Alberts’s Bibliography.]

Rudnick, Lois. “The Expurgated Self: A Critical Biography of Mabel Dodge Luhan.” Brown University dissertation, 1977. B128. [Abstract in RJN 49 (June 1977): 2. Mabel Dodge Luhan as patron of arts and politics; four books of memoirs, three biographies of Lawrence, herself, and the New Mexico landscape, 50 volumes of unpublished memoirs; thousands of letters, 17 scrapbooks; model of New Woman, identification with cubism, anarchism, socialism; 25 years in psychoanalysis; headhunter (of whom RJ was a target).]

____. “Mabel Dodge Luhan and Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 49 (June 1977): 21–49. [Mable Dodge Luhan’s fascination with RJ as successor of D. H. Lawrence, her friendship with Una, Una’s suicide attempt.]

Sessions, George. “Spinoza and Jeffers an Environmental Perspective.” Inquiry 20 (Fall 1977): 481–528. B134. [Both integrate humanity into the whole of nature, following the Pythagorean “theory of the Cosmos” as against Western society’s disorientation of “absolute subjectivism.”]

Starr, Kevin. “Robinson Jeffers and the Integrity of Nature.” Sierra Club Bulletin 62 (May 1977): 7–22. B140–41. [Tor House as emblem of RJ’s detachment, identification with rock, sea, mountains.]

Young, Vernon. “Such Counsels He Gave to Us.” Parnassus 6.1 (1977): 178–97.

“Assessor’s Map” [Book 9, page 43, code area 60-25.] RJN 53 (Dec. 1978): 25. [Details the extent of Jeffers property when it comprised a city block and crossed Scenic Drive.]

Brophy, Robert. “American Literary Manuscripts: Second Edition.” RJN 51 (July 1978): 55–57. [A checklist, library by library, for locating the poems’ working sheets and the letters.]

____, with Covington Rodgers. “Robinson Jeffers, 1887–1962.” First Printings of American Authors. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale Research, 1978. 185–96. [Updating Alberts’s Bibliography; illustrated.]

Dewitt, John. “Mrs. Nash of Hermosa Beach.” RJN 52 (Dec. 1978): 27– 29. B49. [RJ’s landlady and the drama of Una and RJ in love.]

Harmon, Robert B. The First Editions of Robinson Jeffers [“A Pocket Guide”]. Los Altos, CA: Hermes P, 1978. [Useful small guide for RJ collectors.]

Harmsen, Tyrus. “Robinson Jeffers: Student at Occidental College.” RJN 50 (Mar. 1978): 21–27.

Hatch, James Eddy. “Tor House: Lines from Robinson Jeffers.” Terre Haute: Indiana University, 1978. [Film set to the lines of RJ’s poems; later, NET special with Burgess Meredith reading.]

“Jeffers Plot Plan.” RJN 53 (Dec. 1978): 24. [Floor plan dimensions of Tor House structure; use of floor space in original house and its annex.]

Jeffers, Una. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: The Blanche Matthias Letters, March 1935– 37.” RJN 50 (Mar. 1978): 12–21.

____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: The Blanche Matthias Letters, 1936–41.” RJN 51 (July 1978): 23–54.

Kafka, Robert. “The Stone Mason of Tor House: More Corrigenda.” RJN 51 (July 1978): 5–6.

Lawrynowicz, Zygmunt. “Jeffers in Polish Translation.” RJN 50 (Mar. 1978): 7–11.

Meador, Roy. “Of Words and Stone.” Air California (Sept. 1978): 42–47, 93.

Messer, Richard. “Jeffers’s Inhumanism: A Vision of the Self.” Itinerary: Criticism: Essays on California Writers. Ed. Charles Crowe. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green UP, 1978. 11–19. B104.

Nolte, William. “Robinson Jeffers Redivivus.” Georgia Review 33 (Summer 1978): 429– 34. B113–14.

____. Rock and Hawk: Robinson Jeffers and the Romantic Agony. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1978. B114.

Ritchie, Ward. I Remember Robinson Jeffers. Los Angeles: Zamorano Club, 1978.

____. “Jeffers: Some Recollections.” RJN 52 (Dec. 1978): 16–27. B123.

Rodgers, Covington, and Robert Brophy. “Robinson Jeffers, 1887–1962.” First Printings of American Authors. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale Research, 1978. 185–96. [Updates Alberts’s Bibliography.]

Scharton, Maurice. “A Contextual Analysis of Prosody in Selected Narrative Poems of Robinson Jeffers.” Kansas State University dissertation, 1978. [Abstract in RJN 53 (June 1979): 46. RJ developed prosody as his developing thought and art demanded; it fits contexts of matter, theme, and style; RJ began as Tennysonian, accentually syllabic and quantitatively as in “Tamar”; line-length shifted with theme; “Give Your Heart to the Hawks” a high point in prosody; in a mediocre period (“Solstice,” “Such Counsels You Gave to Me,” and “Mara”) he experimented to exemplify states of mind; “The Double Axe” line lengths thematically adjusted, biblical parallelism, prose signaling changes in writer’s attitude; RJ’s put-down by New Critics for prosodic awkwardness seems simple-minded, sensing none of RJ’s prosodic complexity.]

Scott, Robert I. “Poet as Prophet: Jeffers’s Unpublished Poems about World War II.” North American Review (Spring 1978): 82–86. [Essentially same material as 1976 article; poems: “The Old Gentlemen,” “The Meddlers,” and “Next Armistice Day.”]

Smith, Bert. “Una Kuster’s [Jeffers] Road Race.” RJN 52 (Dec. 1978): 7–14. [Article from Los Angeles Times “Pink Sheet” 4–7 May 1911. Route over uneven roads on the periphery of Los Angeles; description of auto types, accommodations on the road.]

Starr, Kevin. “The Meaning of Tor House.” San Francisco Examiner 27 September 1978. [Same theme as in his Sierra Club Bulletin article: Tor House as emblem of RJ’s detachment; house and tower as a major poem of RJ.]

Strudwick, Shepperd. “Paris Premiere of Medea.” RJN 52 (Dec. 1978): 15–16.

Vaughn, Eric. “‘Dear Judas’: Time and the Dramatic Structure of the Dream.” RJN 51 (July 1978): 7–22. B150–51. [Genius of the play; RJ’s drama types (among them: Greek, Wagnerian, Dream, and Noh).]

Note:1979 was the occasion of a three-day Jeffers poetry and drama festival on the campus of California State University Long Beach, where a coordinated seminar produced a booklet of brief explications, Robinson Jeffers: Poems and Contemporary Commentary (see first entry), which is referred to simply as Contemporary Commentary.

Ballister, Raymond. “Excerpt from ‘A Redeemer’” [an explication]. Robinson Jeffers: Poems and Contemporary Commentary. Long Beach: California State University, 1979. 18–19.

____. “Natural Music” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 6–7.

Barkan, Phoebe. “The Jeffers Family as I Knew Them.” RJN 53 (June 1979): 26–30. B12. [One of the family’s few close and dear friends through Una’s illness and RJ’s bereavement.]

Brophy, Robert. “From ‘Tamar’ Part V.” Contemporary Commentary. 2–3.

____. Introduction. Contemporary Commentary. 1.

____. “Jeffers Scholarly Materials: University of California, Santa Barbara.” RJN 54 (Oct. 1979): 29–31. [Temporary storage of Judith Anderson materials, letters, and multiple scripts.]

____. “The Poet as Essential to the Nation’s Life: Robinson Jeffers.” RJN 55 (Dec. 1979): 43–45. B30.

____. “Salmon-Fishing” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 8–9. [Ordinary fishermen at the Carmel River mouth reenacting a sacrificial rite that dates before Stonehenge.]

Duvall, William. “Streams of Environmentalism.” Natural Resource Journal (Fall 1979).

Everson, William. Benchmark and Blaze: The Emergence of William Everson. Metu-chen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1979. 37–38, 69–70, 108–09, 168–69, 241–46, 251–52.
Fitzpatrick-Grimm, Elayne Wareing. “Robinson Jeffers Remembered.” Big Sur Gazette (Feb. 1979).

French, Lisa. “Science” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 12–13.

____. “Shine, Perishing Republic” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 20– 21.

____. “The Treasure” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 22–23.
Ghormley, W. H. “Lineal Data of Joseph Jeffers and Barbara Moore” [RJ’s grandparents]. RJN 54 (Oct. 1979): 3–5.

Gill, Nancy E. “Robinson Jeffers: The Greatest Beauty.” Pennsylvania State University dissertation, 1979. B65. [Abstract in RJN 57 (Nov. 1980): 5. RJ’s poetry as personal history of emotional conflict from internal fragmentation; refusal to confront his life events; not exploring his feelings, motives, choices, behavior, nor taking responsibility; thence could not tell the truth in his poems; some analysis of RJ’s poems in third section.]

Hastings, Harry [Robinson Jeffers]. “Artificial Flight.” RJN 55 (Dec. 1979): 45–48. [An article that first appeared in the Occidental College Aurora 10.5, which RJ’s classmate Dan Hammack annotated (on his copy) “Robinson Jeffers,” there being no such name connected with the school at that time.]

Hughes, Langston. “Langston Hughes on Jeffers.” RJN 55 (Dec. 1979): 28–31. [Excerpt from Hughes’s autobiography, I Wonder as I Wander (New York: Hill & Wang, 1956, 282–85); Una dynamic, talkative, beautiful, gracious, protective; RJ grave and taciturn.]

Jeffers, Donnan. “Some Notes on the Building of Tor House.” RJN 53 (June 1979): 8–18. [From “Weekend Magazine” of Monterey Peninsula Herald, Aug. 1978. Future site, the building, life in early years, Hawk Tower, dining room, east wing, garage becoming the kitchen.]

Jeffers, Robinson. See Hastings entry above.

Jeffers, Una. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: The Blanche Matthias Letters, 1942–44.” RJN 53 (June 1979): 31–46.

____. “Una Jeffers Correspondent: Matthias Letters, 1945–50,” RJN 55 (Dec. 1979): 23–28.

Kafka, Robert. Correction regarding Una Jeffers’s graduation date. RJN 53 (June 1979): 68.

____. “Robinson Jeffers’s Published Writings 1903–1911” [with texts of 20 poems]. RJN 53 (June 1979): 47–52. [Detailed, accurate reporting; poems hitherto unavailable; a bridge to later poems.]

Kraft, Stephanie. “Robinson Jeffers and Tor House.” No Castles on Main Street. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1979. 220–24. [Appreciative description of RJ’s buildings.]

McWilliams, Carey. The Education of Carey McWilliams. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979. 52, 63, 65. [Visit with Louis Adamic, who shortly afterward wrote a portrait of RJ.]

Matthias, Blanche. “Phoebe Barkan: A Remembrance.” RJN 54 (Oct. 1979): 5–7. [A close Jeffers family friend’s memoir and elegy for another close Jeffers family friend.]

Peevey, Ronald. “Jeffers and the Tao-Te Ching.” RJN 55 (Dec. 1979): 31–36.

____. “Love the Wild Swan” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 16–17.

____. “Signpost” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 24–25.

Ressler, Thomas. “Excerpt from ‘Roan Stallion’” [an explication]. Contemporary Commentary. 14–15.

Rodgers, Covington. “Notes on the History and Context of Tamar and Other Poems.” RJN 54 (Oct. 1979): 19–29.

Russell, Ron. “Dame Judith Anderson Recalls Friendship with Robinson Jeffers, [Lawrence] Olivier During Career.” Carmel Pine Cone (9 Sept. 1979): 8–9.

Scharton, M. A. “Ascriptive Structures in ‘Solstice.’” RJN 54 (Oct. 1979): 7–14.

Scott, Robert Ian. “The Ends of Tragedy: Robinson Jeffers’s Satires on Human Self-Importance.” Canadian Review of American Studies 10 (1979): 231–41. B132. [Reviews three Liveright reprints, Nolte’s Rock and Hawk, and Shebl’s In This Wild Water; tragedies are to prevent tragedies, to upset our self-flattering delusions, relate us to the real outer world which to RJ is the cosmos.]

____. “A Letter by Una Jeffers.”Notable Works and Collections [U of Saskatchewan] 9 (Dec. 1979): 16–18. [Letter to (E. M.?) Forster.]

____. “Putting Us in Our Places.” Denver Quarterly 14 (Summer 1979): 105–08. [Re-view essay on 1977 Liveright reprints of The Women at Point Sur, Dear Judas, and The Double Axe.]

Smith, Alfred. The Flight of the Hawk. San Francisco: Recorder Sunset P, 1979.

Spier, Leonard. “Notes on Robinson Jeffers: A Critical View of a Noted American Poet.” RJN 55 (Dec. 1979): 36–42. [Reprinted from International Literature [Moscow, USSR] 6 (1934): 112–17.]

Willis, Stanley. “Memoir” [1947 visit]. RJN 53 (June 1979): 30–31.

Wilson, Don D. “Robinson Jeffers: Poetry Versus Prose in ‘Roan Stallion.’” RJN 54 (Oct. 1979): 14–19. B158.

York, Sophia. “Excerpt from ‘Margrave.’” Contemporary Commentary. 4–5.