The current issue of The Sewanee Review contains a review written by RJA President David J. Rothman on The Collected Letters of Robinson Jeffers, with Selected Letters of Una Jeffers, vol. I, 1890–1930, James Karman, ed. In “Arts and Letters: Shine, Perishing Republic of Letters,” Rothman notes that “These letters are astonishing, revealing as powerfully as any documents of the time, the gulf that opened between not only the poetries but also the sensibilities of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in America.” Read the review>>
About RJA
Dave Mason’s Keynote Address from 2008 Published in Book of Essays
RJA member and Colorado Poet Laureate Dave Mason has a new collection of essays out, Two Minds of a Western Poet, published in the prestigious University of Michigan Poets on Poetry Series. The third essay in the book, pp. 29-41, “Some Narrative Poets of the American West,” is the keynote address Dave delivered at our meeting at Los Aptos in 2008. It is a substantial essay, and Dave also graciously acknowledges the RJA in the book’s preface. To read the essay, download it as a pdf or buy the book.
Tim Hunt Named Outstanding Researcher by Illinois State
RJA member Tim Hunt recently received one of three Outstanding College Research Awards from the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University.
“Each recipient of this year’s Outstanding College Research Award has made outstanding contributions to his field,” says Dagmar Budikova, Interim Senior Associate Dean.” The college is proud to have them among its faculty at Illinois State.”
In the announcement, his scholarship on Robinson Jeffers, including editing the five-volume set of The Collected Poetry by Robinson Jeffers, was recognized.
“Hunt’s long scholarly relationship with Jeffers’ poetry is beginning to produce what seems to me some of the most original readings of the poet’s work that I have encountered,” said Joan Mullin, chair of the Illinois State Department of English.
Read more on the ISU website.