Dear fellow members of RJA,
My next “Message from the President” will be sent in September, but I wanted to take this opportunity now to offer an interim summer greeting.
In my May message, I promised to provide more information about the survey we conducted in April, specifically in regard to Jeffers Studies and the RJA website. The executive committee has been conducting a thorough study of both, and we expect to have a list of possible changes ready for discussion at our conference next February. Meanwhile, some of you indicated on the survey that you would be willing to help with Jeffers Studies and/or the website. Could you please send me an email identifying yourselves? I would like to have a list of volunteers on hand, as we look toward the future.
Speaking of which, rather than narrow our 30th anniversary conference to a specific theme, the executive committee has suggested opening the discussion to as many new perspectives as possible, so our current working title is “Seeing Jeffers with 2020 Vision.” A formal Call for Papers will be sent out in the fall, along with a Call for Nominations. It is almost time to elect our next president and one new advisory board member.
Sincerely yours,
Jim Karman
President, Robinson Jeffers Association