It is the middle of the summer, but there is still news here at the RJA. Ron Olowin has won a hotly contested race for President and will serve as President-Elect until the end of my term, on Dec. 31, 2011. His term begins on Jan. 1, 2012 and runs until Dec. 31, 2014. I want to thank Geneva Gano, who came in a very close second in the race for President. Malinda Miller won the race for Advisory Council and will serve until Dec. 31, 2013. RJA is fortunate to have such gifted and committed people to help guide the organization into the future.
Our next year in RJA should prove exciting. Thanks to tremendous work by editor James Karman, the second volume of the Collected Letters is due and the third is under preparation. Jeffers Studies goes from strength to strength under the capable leadership of George Hart. Thanks to the stewardship of Rob Kafka, our finances are as strong as they have ever been and many thanks are due Malinda Miller, who built and continues to develop this website, which attracts more and more web traffic. Under the steady hand of Executive Director Erika Koss our membership is slowly growing, and the Long Beach conference was a great success, with many fine presentations. Our new President will soon take up the question of the date of the next conference, and I will proceed with a review of the Bylaws per the motion passed at our last meeting.
All in all, we’ve had an excellent year and the next looks promising. Thanks to all for your support of RJA.
David J. Rothman