Our RJA Bylaws as they currently stand have been and remain generally serviceable. However, the impact of virtual technologies accelerated by the pandemic have altered some of our practices, and several of the Bylaws need to be reviewed and possibly updated. The proposed set of changes below will be on the agenda for our upcoming Annual Business Meeting as a discussion item with a member-wide vote to be held electronically a month after the meeting. Please review these possible revisions. If you have changes to the changes you’d recommend or questions or reservations that you’d like the leadership and Advisory Board to discuss before the meeting, please share them in email to
In what follows, the first block is the text of the current RJA Bylaws, the second is the proposed revision with any material to be deleted scored through and material to be added in bold face. The unit in square brackets following the revised text is a brief explanation what occasions the revision.
Please review, and please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions.
Tim Hunt
President, RJA
III. Purpose: The Robinson Jeffers Association encourages and supports scholarly and critical work focused on or related to Robinson Jeffers, seeks to enhance awareness of and appreciation for Jeffers’ contributions to American and world literature across academic disciplines and for the general public, and sponsors programming and publications that advance these goals.
III. Purpose: The Robinson Jeffers Association encourages and supports scholarly and critical work focused on or related to Robinson Jeffers, seeks to enhance awareness of and appreciation for Jeffers’ contributions to American and world literature across academic disciplines and for the general public, and sponsors virtual and in-person programming and publications that advance these goals.
[The phrase to be added reflects our current practice of sponsoring online discussions and presentation, the on-going development of the RJA website as a resource for those wanting to learn more about Jeffers’ poetry, and the conversion of the journal Jeffers Studies from a print-only publication to an open access journal with a print on demand option.
V. Officers:
[to be added following the entry for the Treasurer]
The Editor of Jeffers Studies, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is appointed by the President in consultation with the Advisory Board and serves at his or her pleasure. The term of appointment shall be five years and is renewable. The Editor is responsible for the timely publication of issues that are in accord with the Mission of RJA and that uphold academic standards. The Editor shall, in consultation with the Editorial Board, maintain the journal’s written policies and procedures and shall prepare an Annual Report to be submitted to the President and Advisory Board for review in advance of the annual business meeting.
[This addition to section V would formalize the role of the Editor of Jeffers Studies within RJA and models a mechanism for appointing the Editor on the mechanism for appointing the RJA Treasurer]
VI. Meetings: The Association shall hold an annual in-person conference. The Association shall also hold an annual in-person or virtual business meeting.
VI. Meetings: The Association shall hold an annual in-person conference. The Association shall also hold an annual in-person or virtual business meeting.
[The pandemic disrupted our practice of holding an “annual in person conference.” Because the number of people with research to present and/or institutional funding to offset the cost of attending an event in Carmel was dwindling even before the disruption of the pandemic, RJA has pivoted to holding research panels, discussions, and other presentations online. In the view of the Leadership and Advisory Board, in-person conferences, at Carmel or elsewhere, should be special events rather than annual affairs. This revision reflects our changed practice.]
VII. Journal: The Association sponsors the annual journal Jeffers Studies through a portion of the dues paid by members of the Association, and through institutional subscriptions.
VII. Journal: The Association sponsors the annual journal Jeffers Studies through a portion of the dues paid by members of the Association, and through institutional subscriptions, which is supervised by an Editorial Board nominated by the Editor and ratified by the Officers and Advisory Board.
[This revision has two aims: first, it acknowledges that the journal is shifting, with Vol. 23 to be published this fall, to an open access model. This has been discussed at previous meetings, and this aligns the Bylaws with a change that has already occurred. Second, this formalizes the existence and basic function of the Editorial Board.]
VIII. Amendment of the Bylaws: Changes of a minor nature in these Bylaws may be effected at the annual business meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the members in attendance. Amendments concerning organization, structure, membership, or substantive business of the Association shall be submitted to the entire membership of the Association and shall require approval by two-thirds of the members casting votes. All proposed amendments must be circulated among the entire membership at least one month prior to the annual business meeting.
VIII. Amendment of the Bylaws: Minor changes (such as procedural matters, clarifications, and technical details) of a minor nature in these Bylaws may be effected at the annual business meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the members in attendance. Major amendments concerning organization, structure, membership, or substantive business of the Association shall be submitted to the entire membership of the Association and shall require approval by two-thirds of the members casting votes. All proposed amendments must be circulated among the entire membership at least one month prior to the annual business meeting and be included as a Discussion Item on the meeting’s agenda with a vote open to all members by mail or electronically at least one month after the annual business meeting.
[This proposed revision also has several purposes. First, it suggests a clearer distinction between “minor changes” and “amendments” that is roughly the difference between procedural matters and matters of policy. Second, it proposes that “amendments” are to be available for open discussion, and potentially revision, at an annual business meeting before members are asked to vote on any proposed changes.]